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新牛津高中英语模块七第一单元知识点整理及单元练习M7 UNIT1一、词汇大集合【单词】1. It is still uncertain who invented TV. 至今还未能确定谁发明了电视。uncertain adj. 不确定的;无把握的;是certain的反义词▲be uncertain about / of sth. 对…不确定 / 没把握They are both uncertain about what to do. 他们两人都拿不定主意该怎么办。▲It’s uncertain + 主语从句 It’s uncertain whether he will come tomorrow. 他明天不一定会来。2. superior adj. 优秀的;上等的;有优越感的;无比较级n. 上级;上司▲ be superior to 优于;胜过 His new computer is technically superior to mine.他的新电脑在技术上超过了我的。I’m going to complain to your superiors. 我要找你的上司投诉。3. wind vt. 上发条;缠;绕; 摇;弯曲前进;迂回;蜿蜒(wound; wound)▲ wind up给…上发条He wound up the toy car and let it go. 他给玩具车上发条然后松手让它跑。▲wind through 蜿蜒穿过The river winds through the woods. 那条河蜿蜒流过树林。▲ wind one’s way 蜿蜒向前;曲直延伸The Great Wall winds its way over mountains from the west to the east. 4. apply vt. / vi. 应用;运用;申请;▲ apply sth. to sth. 把…应用于…Scientific discoveries are often applied to industry. 科学发明常运用于工业。▲ apply to (1)适用于(2)向…提出申请(得到…)These rules only apply to part-time workers in our school. 这些规章制度只适用于我校的临时工。He has applied to the company for the position. 他已经向这家公司申请该职位。5. delight [U] 欢喜;高兴[C] 令人高兴的事;乐事;vt. / vi (使)高兴She won the game, to the delight of all her fans.她赢了比赛,令粉丝们很高兴。It is a delight to see my grandmother in good health.看到奶奶健康,真是件高兴事。 This news will delight all the people in Shuyang. 这消息将使全沭阳的人感到高兴。▲ delighted adj. be delighted to do sth. 高兴做…be delighted that 从句be delighted at / by / with sth 对…感到高兴 / 满意6. spring vi. 跳跃;弹起;涌出(sprang; sprung)He sprang out of bed the instant he heard the alarm. 一听到闹钟声,他立即跳下床。Everyone sprang to their feet when the principal walked in.校长进来时,大家立即站了起来。 spring up 迅猛发展;突然出现;涌现Fast-food restaurants are springing up all over Shuyang.快餐店如雨后春笋般地出现在沭阳。7. accompany v. 陪同,伴随accompanying adj 随同的,陪同的He accompanied her friends to the concert. 他陪同朋友去听音乐会。He accompanied the singer on the piano. 他弹钢琴为那位歌手伴奏。▲accompany sb. to a place陪同某人去某处▲accompany sb.(at/on sth.) 给某人伴奏▲accompany sth. (by/with s



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