【人教版】2015年 精品命题 九年级英语上册 Unit2单元检测卷.doc

【人教版】2015年 精品命题 九年级英语上册 Unit2单元检测卷.doc

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【人教版】2015年 精品命题 九年级英语上册 Unit2单元检测卷

九年级上Unit 2单元检测卷 第二节 听对话,选答案 第三节 听长对话,回答问题 笔试部分(95分) 一、单项选择5% ( ) 1. He can speak _______ English _______ Chinese, although he is a Japanese. A. neither, nor B. either, and C. as well, as D. not only, but also ( ) 2. I end up ________ all the work myself. A. do B. done C. doing D. to do ( ) 3. ________ great picture! Who painted it? A. What B. What a C. How D. How a ( ) 4. I wondered _________________. A. whether it will rain or not B. if it had rained C. that it would rain D. why did it happen ( ) 5. Try to help people in need. Don’t be ________ with money. A. mean B. kind C. friendly D. worried 二、完形填空15% We went into a secondhand shop to get out of the rain. I took my __1__ daughter’s hand and we started to walk around. __2__ she reached out her hand to __3__ a pair of shiny black shoes. “Buy __4__ me?” she asked. “Oh, Sweetie, they are tap dancing(踢踏舞) shoes. You __5__ tap dance.” “Buy for me?” she repeated. “Well, let’s try them __6_.” She sat on the floor and took off her bright pink rain boots. When she stood up, we heard “click(咔嗒声)”. She took a step, “click, click, click.” The __7__ came out and we went on our way. Our next stop was the grocery store. “Click, click, click…” –people turned to look __8__ we entered the store. People would __9__ allow their daughter to wear tap dancing shoes to the grocery store. “Excuse me, dear. __10__ would you allow your daughter to wear tap dancing shoes here? They __11__ such a noise.” “Isn’t it wonderful?” “Wonderful? My dear, this is not the place to wear those shoes.” “You don’t understand. When she was a baby, doctors told us that she would never walk __12__ talk. It has taken a lot of hard work and __13__, but she asked for the shoes and the ‘click, click, click’ says that she can __14__,” I said. My da



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