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【助力2014高考】英语语法小题特训:代词 1. The scientist tried out all kinds of materials and found that __________ satisfied him. A. nothing B. none C. no D. much 答案:在回答问题时none是指上述问的东西,而nothing意为“没有任何东 西”。例: (1)—How many students are there in the room? —None.(是指没有人) (2)—How much tea is there in the cup? —None.(是指没有茶水) 参照本章第91句。 (答案B) 2. __________ Chinese people are proud to host the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing. A. Our B. We C. Us D. These 答案:we Chinese people和our Chinese people都可以,但意思不同:we Chinese people意为“我们中国人”,讲话的人是中国人;而our Chinese people意为“我们的中国人”,讲话的人不是中国人。同样道理:we students意为“我们中学生”,讲话的人是学生;our students意为“我们 的中学生”,讲话的人不是学生。当然,在作宾格时,是us students。 例: We students must study very hard.(主格) Our English teacher is very strict with us students.(宾格) (答案B) 3. __________ must try his best to do something good for the people. A. Every B. Each C. We D. Our 答案: B 4. It seems that university students must take more classes than they __________ 30 years ago. A. could B. must C. did D. had 答案:本题是个比较状语从句的省略句。在than的后面如果不省略的话应 该是: It seems that university students must take more classes than they took classes 30 years ago. 这里的took就要用did来代替。 (答案c) 5. Matthew made __________ than anyone else. A. many more mistakes B. much more mistakes C. little more mistakes D. few less mistakes 答案:在比较级中,如果比较的是个“物”,要看这个名词是个可数名词还是不 可数名词。如果是不可数名词,要用much more来修饰;如果是个可数 名词,要用many more来修饰。例: I have much more experience than she does. She has many more friends in China than I do. (答案A) 6. I cant find him everywhere. means __________. A. I cant find him anywhere B. I can still find him somewhere C. Nowhere can I find him D. It is impossible for me to find him 答案:I cant find him everywhere.是个部分否定句,意为“不是每一个地方 都找不到他。(还是能在某个地方找到他的。)” 请比较:I cant find him anywhere.是个全部否定句,意为“每一个地 方都找不到他。” (答案B) 7. We were in __________ when we left that we forgot the airline tickets. A. a rush so anxious B. a such anxious rush C. so an anxious rush D. such an anxious rush 答案: D 8. It is pretty well understood __________


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