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2017年高考《考试大纲》调研卷5 第二部分 阅读理解 第一节 A For many of us, there are few things that will come close to the thrills of white-water rafting(皮划艇运动); after all, this sport can take a turn for the worse, if safety measures are ignored. White Nile: The White Nile flows from rather calm Lake Victoria, but soon bursts into a major force as it runs through Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, and Sudan. Rafting on the river, though, is best enjoyed when you’ve in Uganda, with rapids touching Class V. Colorado River: When you’re surrounded by beautiful nature, it’s hard to concentrate on the task at hand. But a moment’s distraction (分心) in the Colorado River can shake your raft in no time. This stretch of the Colorado River has what is probably the largest Class V rapids in the United States, which attracts rafting enthusiasts worldwide. Zambezi: Africa’s got some big thrills in the Zambezi river. It’s full of big Class IV-V rapids. The Batoka Gorge is where the river turns over 23 rapids, going on for a 15-mile stretch below Victoria Falls. This is best described as the continent’s most thrilling rafting experience. Tuolumne River: The Tuolumne River stretches for a distance of 27 miles, where you can experience some amazing Class IV and V rapids. The river will test your paddling skills well, as you sail along the course. The best time to be here is in spring. 21. Where can you have the most fun when rafting on the White Nile? A. Uganda. B. Tanzania. C. Rwanda. D. Sudan. 22. What are Class IV/ V rapids in the text? A. The danger lying in the river. B. The signs that people make. C. The speed that water flows at. D. The popularity of the river. 23. What kind of writing is this text? A. A news report. B. A recommendation of some spots. C. An argumentative writing. D. An introduction to a sport.[来源:学*科*网] B Matthew Dunn, a Royal Navy aircraft engineer, spotted a brown leather wallet on the pavement near a Dutch restaurant, while touring with the Royal Navy Black Cats



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