【学案导学设计】2014-2015学年高中英语课件:Module 1 Period 3.ppt

【学案导学设计】2014-2015学年高中英语课件:Module 1 Period 3.ppt

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【学案导学设计】2014-2015学年高中英语课件:Module 1 Period 3

【单项填空】 ①—Is there any possibility________you could pick me up at the airport? —No problem. A.when B.that C.whether D.what ②So far there is no proof________people from other planets do exist. A.how B.what C.which D.that 答案 ①B ②D While on their journey buying and selling spices,silks and jewels,they befriend one of the most powerful men on Earth,Kubla Khan.在旅途中他们买卖香料、丝绸和珠宝,并与世界上最具影响力的人中的一位——忽必烈汗结为朋友。 while on their journey是状语从句的省略形式,其完整形式是while they are on their journey。如果状语从句的主语是it,或者与主句的主语一致,且从句的谓语含有be动词,那么可以将从句的主语连同be动词一起省略。 When sleeping,I never hear anything. 睡觉时我什么都听不见。 If(it is)necessary。you can turn to your teacher for help. 如果有必要你可以向老师求助。 2. 【完成句子】 ①每天晚饭后,如果工作不累,我就花点时间去遛狗。 Every evening after dinner,if not________from work,I will spend some time walking my dog. ②如果下列句子中有错,请改正。 Correct the errors in the following sentences,________. ③如果这样,我们只好把会议推迟。 ________,well have to put the meeting off. 答案 ①tired ②if any ③If so 课前自主学习 课堂互动探究 Ⅰ.单词识记 1.________n.a very bright,unpleasant light 2.________adj.suffering from sunburn 3.________adj.that is easy to carry or to move 4.________adj.different from what is usual or expected, especially in a way that is worrying,harmful or not wanted Module 1 Deep South Period Three Cultural Corner 课件(外研版选修8,新课标通用) 5.________n.a lack of something 6.________n.the raised flat area beside the track at a train station where you get on or off the train 7.________adj.not very large,expensive,important, etc 8.________v.to try to prevent something or to prevent somebody from doing something 9.________adj. making you feel annoyed 10.________adj.making you feel very sad and without enthusiasm 答案 1.glare 2.sunburnt 3.portable 4.abnormal 5.absence 6.platform 7.modest 8.discourage 9.tiresome 10.depressing Ⅱ.短语天地 1.________严重晒伤 2.________完全隔绝 3.________戴上墨镜 4.________坐落在 5.________在紧急情况下 6.in great detail________ 7.set off________ 8.a unique insight________ 答案 1.get badly sunburnt 2.tot


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