【成才之路】2014-2015学年高中英语 unit 5 Canada“The True North”第3课时 Using Language强化练习.doc

【成才之路】2014-2015学年高中英语 unit 5 Canada“The True North”第3课时 Using Language强化练习.doc

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【成才之路】2014-2015学年高中英语 unit 5 Canada“The True North”第3课时 Using Language强化练习

【成才之路】2014-2015学年高中英语 unit 5 Canada“The True North”第3课时 Using Language强化练习 新人教版必修3 Ⅰ.单项填空 1.Many people were all ________ by the ________ scene caused by the car accident. A.terrified; terrified B.terrifying; terrifying C.terrifying; terrified D.terrified; terrifying 答案:D 句意:很多人被车祸造成的可怕场景吓住了。terrifying修饰物,指物的特点;terrified指人的心理状态。 2.(2014·太原高一检测)The salesgirls always give customers ______ smile and the customers are very ________. A.pleasant; pleased B.pleased; pleased C.pleasant; pleasant D.pleased; pleasant 答案:A 句意:这些女售货员经常笑对顾客,使他们很满意。pleasant smile甜甜的微笑;pleased满意的,符合题意。 3.(2014·温州高一检测)At the airport, the father stood there with a ________ of desire and excitement waiting for his son, who he hadnt seen for a long time. A.mixture B.collection C.mass D.number 答案:A mixture“混合”,a mixture of desire and excitement表示“既期望又激动的复杂心情”;collection“收集”;mass“块;大多数;质量”;number“数量”。 4.According to what he said, I can ________ that he was there yesterday. A.confirm B.control C.comfort D.consider 答案:A 句意:根据他的话,我可以证实他昨天在那儿。confirm“证实”;control“控制”;comfort“安慰”;consider“考虑”。故A项符合句意。 5.(2014·莱阳高一检测)Youd better keep your ________ from that dog, because it is too fierce. A.space B.length C.reach D.distance 答案:D 句意:你最好避开那只狗,因为它太凶猛了。keep ones distance from...“避开……”。space“空间,间隙”;length“长度”;reach“够得着的范围内”。 6.In order to save money, the poor man got up ________ and walked to the station to catch the early train. A.at noon B.at dawn C.at dusk D.sat night 答案:B 句意:为了省钱,这个人早早地起床,走着去车站赶早班车。at dawn“在黎明”;at noon“在中午”;at dusk“在黄昏”;at night“在晚上”。 7.(2014·湖南,23)________ your own needs and styles of communication is as important as learning to convey your affection and emotions. A.Understanding B.To be understood C.Being understood D.Having understood 答案:A 考查非谓语动词。所填词作题干的主语,应用动名词形式,且是陈述一个客观事实,用动名词的一般式,故选A项。 8.It is a ________ that the family should get together to enjoy a good time during the Spring Festival. A.habit B.rule C.way D.tradition 答案:D 句意:在春节期间,家庭成员聚在一起享受美好时光是传统。It is a tradition that...为固定句式,trad


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