【成才之路】2014-2015学年高中英语选修七:Module+1-7+课件Module 6.ppt

【成才之路】2014-2015学年高中英语选修七:Module+1-7+课件Module 6.ppt

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Peking Opera, Spanish Flamenco and the art of French gastronomy won places Tuesday on UNESCOs list of intangible world heritage to preserve. The UN culture and education agency deemed① the traditions and 43 others from a total of 11 countries worthy of recognition on the list at a meeting in Nairobi. Among the more obscure② traditions, Luxembourg won recognition for a centuries-old annual hopping procession in the eastern border village of Echternach. The blade-twirling of a scissor-dancing ritual③ in Perus Chanka region, which has roots going back to the 16th century, was also nominated④ as Turkeys 648-year-old Kirkpinar festival, during which dozens of men wrestled in cooking oil. Nominations included not only festivals and rituals but also arts such as the Chinese traditional medicine of acupuncture⑤. Traditional Mexican cuisine⑥ and the loosely defined Mediterranean diet, consisting of growing and consuming olive oil,cereals,fresh or dried fruit and vegetables,were also honored with recognition on the list. Better known for its work of protecting world monuments and natural wonders, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization started the list in 2003 to preserve art forms and other traditions in the face of globalization. The aim is to recognize elements of living heritage,such as language,in a bid to protect cultural diversity and foster⑦ a sense of community. To be recognized on the list, traditions must be deemed to spread knowledge of intangible cultural heritage and protective measures must be taken to promote them. 知识点击: ①deem v. 视为,认为 ②obscure adj. 费解的,鲜为人知的 ③ritual n. 程序,礼节,宗教仪式 ④nominate v. 提名 ⑤acupuncture n. 针灸,针刺疗法 ⑥cuisine n. 烹饪,菜肴 ⑦foster vt. 培养,促进,鼓励 成才之路 · 高中新课程 · 学习指导 · 外研版 · 英语 · 选修7 Module 6 The Worlds Cultural Heritage 成才之路 · 高中新课程 · 学习指导 · 外研版 · 英语 · 选修7 Module 6 The Worlds Cultural Heritage 成才之路 · 英语 路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索 外研版 · 选修7 The Worlds Cultural Heritage Module 6 背 景 e 站 链 接 * * 成才之路 · 高中新课程


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