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【托福写作】万能模板 综合写作: lz反对模板: The lecture talks about , which apparently refutes the pointsillustrated in the passage. According to the passage, Conversely, the professor holds the viewthat . First,the professor argues that , namely . In other words, XXXX nevertheless, whichdirectly contradicts what the passage indicates, that is, XXXXX. The second point the professor uses to cast doubt on the passage is that. However, the passage states that , which is in sharp contrasts to thelecture. It is that as a matter of fact, according to thelecture. . So there liesanother part where experience contradicts theory (assumption). Another evidence the lecturer adopts to refute the passage is , differing from the statement of thepassage. In summary, scarcely at all the professor agrees with what is presented in thepassage. He claims that XXXX, whereas the reading materials make point that . 反驳的: Challenge/question/contradict/weaken/jeopardize/castdoubt on/disagree with Contrary to what is stated in the reading that ...,the speaker strongly thinks that.... 提出问题的: neglect n./v. negligence n.疏忽 forget about;leave out by mistake overlook lose sight of ignore leave out of consideration 缺陷: faults, weakness, defect, mistake, error, 讨论: Discuss/review/examine/investigate/reinvestigate/reexamine/raisethe issue that/strongly think that/ 支持: Reinforce enhance bolster give a boost to support demonstrate illustrate Contenda similar stand that, the same as the statement that, in accordance withthe Meanwhile, likewise, 论证的: Proof/demonstrate/sustain/illustrate/confirm/corroborate/substantiate/affirm/strengthen/fortify/underpin/defend/fend for/endorse/ 独立写作: lz 自己的文章:划线的是重点句型,请发挥想象力,死命往上套。 When it comes to the issue about living independently ortogether with parents after grown up, peoples opinion differs from person to person, and culture to culture. Some preferto be independence as soon as possible, while others may choose to live withtheir parents a little longer on the contrary.On personal l


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