【新目标】七下:Unit 2 What time do you go to school 课件.ppt

【新目标】七下:Unit 2 What time do you go to school 课件.ppt

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【新目标】七下:Unit 2 What time do you go to school 课件

3. What time do you have breakfast? I usually have breakfast at … 4. __________________________ Anna never eats breakfast. What time does Anna usually eat breakfast? 5. What time does your best friend go to school? She/He always goes to school at… 3b Write about something you always do, something you usually do and something you never do. always ______________________ usually ______________________ never ______________________ do my homework/ take a shower exercise/play guitar eat breakfast/play chess 3c Interview three of your classmates.Find out what time they do these activities. Then give a report to the class. 根据汉语提示完成句子。 1. --______________?几点了? --It’s ______o’clock . 12点了。 2. --_____ _____ do you go home? 你几点回家? --I ___ ____ ___ 7:00 ______ . 我7点回家。 What time is it twelve What time go home at o’clock Exercise 3. --What time ____ Tom ____ in the morning? 汤姆早上几点跑步? --Tom ____ __ 6:30 in the morning . 汤姆在早上6:30跑步。 does run runs at 请根据括号内所给的词完成句子。 1. School______ (start) at 8:15. 2. They ___________ (not watch) TV at night. 3. I take a bus _____ (go) to school. 4. Cindy tells ___ (I) many things about her school. 5. What time does your sister usually ___ (get) up? starts don’t watch to go me get Section B I usually at 6 o’clock. get up I usually at six ten. brush teeth eat breakfast I usually at seven o’clock. I usually at seven twenty. get dressed go to school I usually at seven thirty. take a shower I usually at six thirty. When do students usually do these things? Match the actions with the time of day. 1a 3 1 2 4 It’s twenty to seven. It’s ten past six. It’s nine twenty. 时间表示法 past 分钟数不超过30分 half past to 分钟数超过30分 o’clock 时间表达法 1. 点钟数+分钟数 6: 10 six ten 7: 25 s



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