【英语】Module 2《Section Three Listening_Speaking_Writing》课件2(外研版必修3).ppt

【英语】Module 2《Section Three Listening_Speaking_Writing》课件2(外研版必修3).ppt

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【英语】Module 2《Section Three Listening_Speaking_Writing》课件2(外研版必修3)

Module 2 Developing and Developed Countries Listening Speaking Writing Matching the exercise at Activity 1 on page 17. Use the words to fill the blank. Vocabulary Speaking (P17-1) * Listening 北京 悉尼 1. Beijing has a lot more inhabitants than Sydney and is much more crowded. 2. Beijing doesn’t have as many freeways as Sydney does. 3. There are fewer tourists in Sydney than in Beijing. True or false (第一遍听力) 4. Beijing is less dangerous than Sydney. 5. Beijing has less rain than Sydney. 6. Beijing doesn’t have as much pollution as Sydney. 7. There are as many rich people in Beijing as in Sydney. 8. Beijing is as lively as Sydney. 1. How do you find it? means_____ A. what is your opinion? B. how did you get here? 2. It’s totally fascinating means _______ A. it’s very interesting B. it’s very important 2. Choose the correct answer. ( 第二遍听力) 3. as you see means______ A. while you see them B. in your opinion 4. I didn’t get that means_____ A. I didn’t take that B. I didn’t hear what you said 5. find some of the action means____ A. let’s do something interesting B. let’s act A: I visited Great Wall yesterday. B: Really? __________________ A: ___________________ I enjoyed it very much. B: Can you describe it, ____________? 巩固:用上张中的红字部分填空 How do you find it? It’s totally fascinating. as you see it A: Well, I can’t imagine how can they build it hundreds of years ago? B: Sorry, ___________. A: I mean it is incredible. The Great Wall can be built hundreds of years ago. B: Yes, it’s really great. I don’t get it Listen to the conversation again and tick the topics you hear. (第三遍听力) climate industry location pollution population safety tourism transport wealth I. 根据所给单词的首字母或汉语意 思,写出该单词的正确形式。 1. American Indians were the earliest i__________ of America. 2. My car is being repaired so I have to go to the city by public t_________. 3. The speed limit on the f______ is 55 mph. 随堂练习 transports inhabit



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