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题组层级快练(十三) Ⅰ.完形填空 I am a 17-year-old college student. Something I came across today touched me, so I decided to ___1___ it. After a long and boring morning at college, I was ___2___ at the bus station for my bus. While standing there, I was thinking about how ___3___ the week had been when this gentleman came and stood next to me. After a while he ___4___ talking to me, mainly about the buses and bus drivers. He had ___5___ noticed that I was feeling down, as he told me to cheer up and told a ___6___. This then turned into a casual ___7___ as we waited for the bus, which was late ___8___. He introduced himself to me and told me it was ___9___ to meet me. Then the bus finally ___10___. We both got on the bus, and he sat in front of me, and we ___11___ talking. At this point all my ___12___ thoughts about the week were starting to ___13___. He asked me what I was doing at college, and what I was planning to do ___14___ I graduated. He wished me luck and told me he had his fingers crossed for me. He then ___15___ me a piece of paper, with “Ten ideas for kindness” on it and a link to a website. When I got off the bus, he told me that it was a ___16___ to meet me and he wished me good luck. I don’t ___17___ if this very caring man will ever read this article, ___18___ I want to say that he is the only person who had talked with me ___19___ for a while, and noticed that I needed cheering up. He made me ___20___ that life really is worth living. 1. A. share B. report C. describe D. keep 2. A. gathering B. waiting C. searching D. sitting 3. A. pleasant B. fast C. terrible D. busy 4. A. started B. enjoyed C. stopped D. continued 5. A. nearly B. hardly C. instantly D. obviously 6. A. remark B. joke C. suggestion D. choice 7. A. discussion B. greeting C. conversation D. m


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