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 模块六第二单元 What is happiness to you?;;;Answers;;归纳拓展;一句多译: 我喜欢身边有美丽的事物围绕。 ① I like to surround myself with beautiful things. ② I like to ___________________________________. ;2. adapt vt. vi. (使)适应;改编;改造;改装 And how has Sang Lan adapted to her new life? (P19) 那么桑兰是怎样适应新生活的呢?;adapt ;①The good thing about children is that they _______________________new environments. 孩子们的优势是他们很容易适应新环境。 ② Most of these tools have been specially ________________ use by disabled people. 这些工具多数已经过特别改装,供残疾人使用。;. accompany vt.陪伴,陪同;伴随;为……伴奏 She was accompanied by an experienced ski instructor and she learnt very quickly. (P25) 由一个经验丰富的滑雪教练陪练,她学得非常快。;accompany ;① John has decided to __________________ on my trip to India. 约翰已决定陪我去印度。 ②The singer ________________________ the piano by her sister. 那位演唱者的姐姐用钢琴给她伴奏.;4. rush vi.冲,迅速移动 vt.紧急送往;使冲向;仓促行事 n.匆忙 She was rushed to a top hospital in New York. (P19) 她被紧急送往纽约最好的医院。 I remember sometimes feeling in a rush to grow up and be independent,but I was still very happy. (P30) 我记得有时感觉一下子长大独立了,但我仍旧很开心。 ;rush;① Ambulances _________________________ the hospital. 救护车迅速将伤员送往医院。 ② Whenever I see him, he seems ___________________________. 我无论什么时候见到他,他似乎都很匆忙。 ;③ Don’t let them _________________________ the contract. 别让他们催着你仓促签下合同。 ④If you __________________ and can’t stop to eat,grab a carton of yogurt or some fruit. 要是你很着急不能停下来吃东西,就赶紧喝一些酸奶或吃一些水果。;1._____________ 参加(比赛) 2._____________ 把某人描述成…… 3._____________ 除了…… 4._____________ 致力于…,献身于… 5. ______________ 被紧急送往…;6._____________ 使某人付出(代价) 7._____________ 意识到…… 8._____________ 使振作 9._____________ 心情好 10.____________ 聚焦于,把精力集中??… ;11._____________ 适应 12._____________ 追求,谋求 13._____________ 独自,独立地 14._____________ 朝……方向进发 15._____________ 回忆,回顾 16._____________ 匆忙地,急切地;compete in describe...as... apart from devote...to... be rushed to… cost sb.sth. be aware of... cheer up ;1.while引导句子________________________________


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