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hardly,scarcely,seldom,never,little等。 (2)rare adj.稀少的;罕有的,其反义词为common。 ①She is rarely seen in public nowadays. 如今在公共场所很少能见到她。 ②This method is rarely used in modern laboratories. =Rarely is this method used in modern laboratories. 现代实验室里很少使用这种方法。 ③Never in all my life have I seen such a horrible thing. 我一辈子也没见过这么恐怖的事。 3 anxious adj.忧虑的,不安的;挂念的;渴望的,急切的 (教材P2)Why is Zhou Kai’s mother anxious? 周凯的妈妈为什么担心? 归纳拓展 一言辨异 She is eager to go to college,but anxious about not passing the entrance examinations. 她渴望上大学,但又担心不能通过入学考试。 ①I’m anxious to get help from you. 我急于想得到你的帮助。 ②Helen is anxious about travelling on her own. 海伦对自己一个人出门旅行感到担心 ③The mother was filled with anxiety about her daughter’s health. 母亲为女儿的健康忧心忡忡。 ④He is anxiously waiting for his friend. 他急切地等着他的朋友。 4 pain n.疼痛;痛苦;辛苦,努力(用复数) vt.使痛苦 vi.感到疼痛 (教材P3)The injury was quite painful... 受伤处非常疼…… ①No pains, no gains. (谚语)不劳无获。 ②The little girl is in pain because she has a painful cut in a finger. 小女孩感觉很疼,因为手指上割了个伤口。 ③He spared no pains to bring up the child. 他不辞辛苦养育那小孩。 ④She took great pains to learn a foreign language well. 她努力地学好一门外语。 品句填词 1.My luggage was ____________ (超重)by five kilos,so I was asked to pay more money. 2.It’s about time we were ____________ (朝……方向前进)home. overweight heading 3.Regular exercise is part of a healthy ____________ (生活方式). 4. It’s ____________ (正常的)to feel nervous before an exam. 5.Two people have been critically ____________(受伤)in a road accident. lifestyle normal injured 6.There was an ____________(焦虑的)moment when the plane suddenly dropped. 7.Alan ____________ (极少)talked about his own work. anxious rarely 8. People are concerned about the quality of the air they ____________ (呼吸). breathe 单项填空 1.—Have you seen Mr.Smith? —Yes,I saw him in a car ________towards the street. A.heading    B.walking C.running D.leaving 选A 2.Amy joined a painting group but didn’t seem to________,so she left. A.show off B.go up C.fit i


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