七上英语第七单元How much are these socks.pptx

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七上英语第七单元How much are these socks

Unit7 How much are these socks?;1 yuan;Do you like going shopping???;;a shirt; trousers;;;;;;;;;;If you want to buy something, how to ask the price ?;$ 10;--How much is this/that shirt? --It’s …dollars.;¥14;a red hat;;How much is the baseball?;bag;Do the exercises:;看图完成对话 1. —How much ____ the _____? —They _____ 10 yuan. 2. —How ______ ____ the ______? — _____ 10 ________. 3. —_____ _____ are the ______? —_____ ____ 4 yuan. 4. —____ _____ ____ these _____? —_________ 9 ________. ;Can you do the exercises?;1、这条蓝色裙子多少钱?七美元。 How much is this blue skirt? It’s seven dollars. 2、那个白色提包多少钱?九美元。 How much is that white bag? It’s nine dollars. 3、红色毛衣多少钱?八美元。 How much is the red sweater? It’s eight dollars. 4、这些黑色裤子多少钱?十美元。 How much are these black trousers? They’re 10 dollars. 5、那些蓝色袜子多少钱?三美元。 How much are those blue socks? They’re three dollars.;It’s difficult to make money. We should save money.;Unit7 How much are these socks?;What’s this ? It’s a blue hat.;white;Im the best!;big /b ? ɡ/ ;;a long T-shirt;;;Listen and repeat.;Read the dialogue in 2e. Then fill in the blanks. ;Woman: Can I help you? Mary: Yes, please. I need a sweater for school. Woman: OK. What color do you want? Mary: Blue. Woman: How about this one? Mary: It looks nice. How much is it? Woman: Nine dollars. Mary: I’ll take it. How much are those yellow socks? Woman: Two dollars for one pair and three dollars for two pairs. Mary: Great! I’ll take two pairs. Woman: Here you are. Mary: Thank you. Woman: You’re welcome. ;;A: _______________ B: Yes, please. I want a sweater. A: _______________________ B: Green. A: Here you are. B: Oh, _____________ A: Sorry, this is a small one. B: Good. _________________________ A: 20 dollars. B: ____________Here is the money. A: Thank you.; 请将下列句子排序。 ( )1. What can I do for you? ( ) 2. You’re welcome. ( ) 3. 45 yuan. ( ) 4. How much is it? ( ) 6. OK, I’ll take it. Thank you. ( ) 7. I want a shirt.


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