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Learning aims(学习目标): 知识目标:Key words and structure:bow, kiss, shake, smile, head, together, shake hands, each other, arm in arm, How do I do that? 能力目标:To talk about the body language people use when they meet in some countries 情感态度价值观:To know the self-study and the cooperative study (合作学习). Task2: Enjoy a video and then finish the blank.. Check your reading Lingling: We’re going to have some Russian teachers __________ tomorrow, and I’m______________ .How do I do that ? Betty: Lingling, you know, in Russia, people usually __________, left, right, left. Lingling: What! No, I didn’t know that. We Chinese often __________and smile when we meet _______ , and sometimes we nod our heads. But we never kiss. Only parents and children do that. Betty: That’s because people ________ things in different _______ . Lingling: So what do people in the US usually do when they meet? Betty: In the US some people ___________,and some kiss or hug ________. In India people ___________________ and nod their heads. And do you know what Maori people in New Zealand do when they meet? Lingling: No. What do they do? Betty: They ____________! Task 1:Show your body language(展示自己的肢体语言) Rules:each group ask 3 people come to the front one student say where you are from .the other two show your body language(每个小组出三位同学,一位同学介绍你们来自哪个国家,另外两名同学展示你的肢体语言) Do what I say(我说你做) Two students come to front and stand face to face(两位同学面对面站到前面) Round1 the teacher say body language you just do it(第一轮根据老师的提示做动作) Round 2 the teacher says the name of the country ,you must do its body language once.(第二轮根据老师说的国家表演相应的礼仪) Summary (我的收获) People do different things in different countries. * * Unit 1 They touch noses! bow shake hands hug touch nose smile kiss bow kiss shake hands smile Match the pictures with the words and expression from the box. 3 2 1 1/2/3 Self-study(自主学习) British French German Japanese Russian Listen and match the pictures with the n


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