七年级英语下册 Unit2 Where is the post office _ section A 一套课件人教版新目标总课件.ppt

七年级英语下册 Unit2 Where is the post office _ section A 一套课件人教版新目标总课件.ppt

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七年级英语下册 Unit2 Where is the post office _ section A 一套课件人教版新目标总课件

Do you want to go to my home? I will show you the way. Super- market bank park KFC bridge hotel restaurant Library Hospital Food store factory Huizhen Street Long Street Sixth Ave Seventh Ave My House Bus station A 1.Take a taxi from the bus station. 2.Pass a bank on your right. 3. Go down Long Street. 4. Go through Sixth Ave and Seventh Ave. 5.Turn right at the third crossing. 6.Go down and A is on your left. A: May Day is coming! My friend is going to meet me ! But she can’t find my home(A). Can you help her? Be a kind person! A: Excuse me! Can you tell me the way to A! B:OK! Take a taxi from the bus station. Pass a bank on your right. Go down Long Street. Go through Sixth Ave and Seventh Ave. Turn right at the third crossing. Go down and A is on your left. A: Thank you very much! B: You’re welcome. Asking the way 1.Where is the restaurant? 2.Is there a post office? 3.Which is the way to the Library? 4.How can I get to the pay phone? 5.Can you tell me the way to the supermarket? 6.Can you tell me where the bank is? 7.Can you tell me how I can get to the park? to get to some useful phrases for giving directions. Go along/down /across/through this road go straight Turn left/right across from on Fifth Avenue/Street/Road between the restaurant and the supermarket next to the library in front of the post office A: Excuse me. Is there a restaurant near / around here? I’m hungry. B: Yes. It’s between the supermarket and the bank. A: Where is the nearest post office? B: It’s next to the pay phone, across from the hotel. A: Thank you very much. B: Not at all. an example A: Excuse me. Where is the nearest post office? (或: Is there a post office near here? 或: Which is the way to the nearest post office?) B: Walk along this street, and take the third turning on the right. It’s about a hundred metres on the left. A: Thank you very much. B: Not a


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