三下M10U1 Here’s a red hat..ppt

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三下M10U1 Here’s a red hat.

Module10 Unit1 Here’s a red hat. What’s happening?(发生什么事了?) Watch the video and fill the blanks. The monkeys have got a green_______ and a blue____. I’ve got many other clothes. Let’s look at(看) them. Listening practise Amy and Sam are having a party(聚会).What clothes have they got? Let’s watch the video and find out. Questions 1.What clothes has Amy got ? 2.What clothes has Sam got ? Answers Group work: show your clothes. A: Here’s a (an) …. B: Here’s a (an) …. C: Here’s a (an) …. D: Here are …. Welcome to my clothes shop! A: A pink hat. B: Here’s a pink hat. A: An orange sweater. B: Here’s an orange sweater. Homework Design your own clothes shop and introduce it to your classmate. 设计自己的服装店,并向同学介绍你的服装店。 * Guessing game: What have I got? I’ve got a blue cap. I’ve got … They are my clothes.(衣服) sweater cap _ _ ,my little sheep. Come back a hat. brown Here’s Here are black trousers. shirt. an orange Here’s a shoe. shoes. brown brown Here’s Here are party 1.What clothes has Amy got ? She has got a red hat. She has got a green and yellow sweater. And she has got funny shoes. 2.What clothes has Sam got ? He has got a brown hat. He has got an orange shirt. _ the box. Open He is funny. I cant walk! (cant = can not) _ _ your coat. Put on It’s your _ . turn We’re happy. We have lots of beautiful clothes, delicious food and many other things. But these children don’t. Cherish all the things we have got. Help the children as much as possible. Let’s fill the world with love.(我们很幸福。我们有很多漂亮的衣服,美味的食物和许多其它的东西,但是这些孩子都没有。珍惜我们所拥有的,并尽可能地帮助这些孩子。让我们的世界充满爱。) *


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