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Please say something about your responsibilities on board. 请说说你的责任。(三副职责)(1) I work in the deck department. I am a third officer. 我在甲板上。我是一名3副(2) I shall keep a navigation watch from 0800 to 1200 and from 2000 to 2400 while underway at sea. 在海上我值守0800-1200 2000-2400班(3)I shall keep watch on the bridge while mooring , unmooring or anchoring.我在船舶系泊,解缆,抛锚时负责驾驶台值班(4) I am responsible to care of all lifesaving appliances, fire fighting equipment and ensure that all of them can use immediately when we need. ,我的责任是所有救生和消防设备,以确保他们在需要时是可以立即使用的。1.我是一名三副,在甲板部工作2.在航时,我在0800-1200,2000-2400值班3.系解缆,抛锚收锚时,我在驾驶台值班4.负责船上就生消防设备,保证可用Describe the responsibilities as a watch officer while the ship is at anchor. 描述在抛锚时作为值班员的责任。 (1) observe the anchor position, note down the vessel’s heading and depth of water, and mark the anchor position on the charts; 值班员应该观察锚位,船首向和水深,在海图上标出锚位。2) The officer on watch and the sailor on duty should keep watch on the bridge值班员和水手应该驾驶台值班(3) maintain proper lookout, pay attention to the nearby vessel’s position, check the anchor position frequently;保持正规瞭望,注重那附近船舶位置,频繁检查锚的位置,。(4) They must ensure that the signal flag, lights and shapes are display right. When the visibilitybecome worse, should sound the fog signal and notice the master. 就必须确保信号旗,灯和型号正确挂出来了。当能见度变差,应开雾号,通知船长(5) observe the weather, tidal and sea state观察天气,潮汐,海况(6)If dragging, must notice the master and the engine room and do some emergency measures, like releasemore chain;走锚时必须告知船长及机舱和实行紧急措施比如松出更多的锚链。观察锚位,船首向,水深。在海图上标出锚位驾驶员和值班水手应在驾驶台值班保持正规瞭望,注意附近船舶位置,频繁观察锚位正确挂出号灯号型,能见度不良时鸣雾号并通知船长观察天气,潮汐,海况走锚时通知船长,机舱,做一些必要措施Describe the proper way of using VHF描述正确使用VHF方法(1)Switch on the power, select the channel, and turn up the volume, then you can receive message on that channel. If you want to transmit message, press the transmitting button and speak. 1接接通电源,选择频道和放大音量, 在那个频道你就可以接收讯息。如果你想发送信息,按传输按钮和说话。(2) Keep listening watch on channel 16 at all times and use dual-watch to listening other frequency在16频能够全天的


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