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1.公共用语 (Public language) 日常用语 (Daily language) 接待PSCO,验船师,物料商,船东代表等用语 (Communication with PSCO, surveyor, ship chandler, ship owner representative) 船东面试时用语 (Language used in ship owner interview) 3.靠离与锚泊业务 (Berthing/unberthing operation anchor work) 呼叫 (Communication) 驾驶台作业 (Bridge operations) 船尾作业 (Aft station) 引航员接送 (Pilot station) 锚泊班值守 (Anchor/port watch) 4.装卸作业 (Loading discharging operation) 备舱 (Cargo hold preparations) 甲板值班 (Deck cargo watch) 理货业务 (Cargo operations) 事故处理 (Accidents handling) 特殊货物作业 (Special cargo operations) 进入封闭场所 (Entering enclose space) 污泊水处理 (Discharge sewage ) 5. 航行 (Underway) 航行值班交接 (Change over bridge watch) 海图作业 (Chart work) 气象航行警告 (Meteorological warnings) 航行安全警告 (Safe navigation warnings) 避碰操作 (Collision regulations) 航海仪器使用(Navigational aids operations) 油水管理 (Disposal of oily water) 生活垃圾管理 (Disposal of garbage) 雾中航行 (Navigation in restricted visibility) 大风浪航行 (Navigation in heavy weather) 狭水道航行 (Navigation in narrow channel) 6.修船与船体保养 (Ship ‘s repair maintenance) 仪器检修 (Inspections of equipment) 7.事故处理 (Actions in emergency) 污染 (pollution) 船舶损坏 (damages) 人员伤亡 (casualties) 海盗袭击 (pirates attack) 8. 消防与船员自救作业 (FFA LSA) 救生与消防演习 (Abandon ship fire-fighting drills) 救火 (Fire-fighting) 救货 (Saving cargo) 救船 (Saving ship) 救人 (Saving people) 保全设备与仪器 (Saving equipment and instruments) 9.救助 (Rescue) 与遇险船通信 (Contact vessel in distress) 海面有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站 (Searching the sea) 施救作业 (Rescue operations) 拖带作业 (Towing operations) 10. 遇险 (Vessel in distress) 遇险呼叫 (Distress calling) 紧急呼叫 (Urgent calling) 安全呼叫 (Safety calling) 弃船 (Abandon ship) 11. 港口国检查 (PSC inspections) 操作性要求检查 安全应急设备检查 防污染检查 ISM, SMS 检查 不合格项纠正 检查报告 12. 船舶保安 (ISPS) 值班安全检查 船舶保安设备的安全检查与操作 安全等级的设定与操作 与岸上紧急沟通 申请武装援助 * * 航海英语听力与会话评估纲要(三副) Syllabus of Marine English listening oral assessment (for 3/0) 大连海事大学航海学院航海教研室 Dalian Maritime University Navigation college 赵健 Zhao Jian


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