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Our position on terrorism must be consistent and clear. First, we should oppose all forms of terrorism. Terrorist activities happening anytime, anywhere, organized by anybody and in whatever form, should be combated jointly and resolutely. // 我们必须在反恐问题上采用一贯和明确的立场。首先要反对一切形式的恐怖主义。恐怖活动不论发生在何时,何地,由何人组织,以何种方式出现,均应采取一致立场,坚决打击. Second, it is necessary to look into the root and acts of terrorism. Only by paying attention to and uprooting the cause of terrorism, can we solve the issue once and for all. // 其次,反恐要标本兼治。只有重视并解决恐怖主义滋生的根源,才能彻底铲除恐怖主义的滋生和蔓延。 ? 两岸同胞血脉相连,情同手足。中华儿女共同创造的五千年灿烂文化,是维系全体中国人民的精神纽带。// Compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits are limbs of the same ancestry. The brilliant/splendid culture created by the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation over 5.000 years has always been the spiritual bond for all the Chinese. ? 两岸共同继承和弘扬中华文化的优秀传统,将使中华文化在新的时代焕发新的光彩。// By jointly inheriting and carrying forward the fine traditions, our compatriots on both sides of the straits will give new luster to the Chinese culture in the new age. ? 青年是国家的未来。两岸青年应加强交往,增进了解。我们欢迎更多的台湾青年来祖国大陆学习深造,开创事业,施展才华。// The youth are the future of our nations. Young people on both sides should reach out for more contacts and closer understanding. More young people from Taiwan are welcome to the mainland to pursue their studies, advance their careers and give full play to their talents. 我们也欢迎台湾各界人士前来参观,访问,同我们交换有关两岸关系与和平统一的意见。// We also welcome people from various walks of life in Taiwan to tour and visit the mainland to exchange views with us on cross-strait relation and peaceful reunification. 真题演练 中美之间发展富有建设性的合作关系,不仅符合两国人民的根本利益,而且有利于世界的和平、稳定与发展。 To develop a constructive relationship of cooperation between China and the United States is not only in the fundamental interests of the two peoples but also conducive to world peace ,stability and development . Ladies and gentlemen ,I am so pleased to be here to address the conference .Really ,this is a pioneering conference


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