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一、 单词音标 1. farm 2. stone 3. cow 4. sheep 5. corn 6. rubbish 7. throw 8. horse 翻译词组 ,不抄题 1. 参观农场 2. 把垃圾扔进垃圾桶里 3. 在猪圈外闻玉米 4. 黄而干燥的干草 5. 给Big喂玉米 6. 住在猪圈里 7. 摆动他的两只大耳朵 1. 不要在农场乱扔垃圾。请扔进垃圾箱. 2.不要在公园的草地上走。不要摘花。 3.不要在动物园喂动物。 4.这些是我的奶牛和绵羊。它们 很饿。它们吃草。 5. 不要在池塘里玩耍.不要爬树。 6.老麦克唐纳有一个农场。农场里有一些鸡,鸭和马。鸡和鸭喜欢吃玉米。马喜欢吃干草。 1 The big glasses are sixteen forest yuan.(划线提问) 2 Tom has a loaf of bread on his plate. (划线提问) 3 There are many books in the bookshop. (划线提问) 4 Walk on the grass.(改成否定句) 5 Don’t feed the horse with hay.(改成肯定句) 答案 一、 单词音标 1. farm [fɑ?m] 2. stone [st??n] 3. cow [ka?] 4. sheep[?i:p] 5. corn [k??n] 6. rubbish [r?b??] 7. throw [θr??] 8. horse [h??s] 翻译词组 ,不抄题 1. a visit to a farm=visit the farm 参观农场 2. put the rubbish in the rubbish bin 把垃圾扔进垃圾桶里 3. smell some corn outside the pen 在猪圈外闻玉米 4. yellow and dry hay 黄而干燥的干草 5. feed Big with the corn 给猪Big喂玉米 6. live in a pen 住在猪圈里 7. swing his two big ears 摆动他的两只大耳朵 1.Don’t litter on the farm. Please put the rubbish in the bin. 不要在农场乱扔垃圾。请扔进垃圾箱. 2.Don’t walk on the grass in the park. Don’t pick flowers. 不要在公园的草地上走。不要摘花。 3. Don’t feed animals in the zoo. 不要在动物园喂动物。 4.These are my cows and sheep. They’re very hungry. They eat grass.这些是我的奶牛和绵羊。它们很饿。它们吃草。 5. Don’t play in the pond. 不要在池塘里玩耍。不要爬树。Don’t climb trees. 6。老麦克唐纳有一个农场。农场里有一些鸡,鸭和马。鸡和鸭喜欢吃玉米。马喜欢吃干草。Old MacDonald has a farm. There are some chicks ,ducks and horses. The chicks and ducks all like eating corn. The horses like hay. 1 How much are the big glasses ? 2 How many loaves of bread does Tom have on his plate? (划线提问) 3 What is in the bookshop? (划线提问) 4 Don’t walk on the grass.(改成否定句) 5 Feed the horse with hay.(改成肯定句)


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