上海牛津高二上英语Unit 2 Continuous learning ppt.ppt

上海牛津高二上英语Unit 2 Continuous learning ppt.ppt

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上海牛津高二上英语Unit 2 Continuous learning ppt

What is education? Language points tutor, tutorial 在他去法国之前,他父母请了一位家庭教师教他法语。 Before he went to France, his parents employed a tutor to teach him French. 他靠周末做家教挣点外快。 To get extra money, he tutors on weekends. (He gets extra money by working as a tutor on weekends.) 上海与很多英语培训中心. There are a lot of English tutorial centers in Shanghai. command n. 掌握,精通;充分运用; (对局面的)控制,掌握;指令 have a good command of sth. 对……掌握得好 at one’s command 听凭自由使用 take command of 控制 give the command 发出命令 obey one’s command 服从某人的命令 under one’s command 在……掌管下 sb. (be) in command (of sth) 掌控……;负责…… command 他命令士兵保持安静。(command) He commanded the soldiers to keep quiet. (He commanded (that) the soldiers (should) keep quiet. ) 那些尊重别人的人通常也会赢得别人的尊重。(command) Those who respect others usually command others’ respect. communicate with/ communicate…to… 他经常和他父母交流,这次,他把他想要参加一个培训中心学点法语的意图清楚地传递给他父母了。 He often communicates with his parents, and this time, he communicated his intention to attend a tutorial center to learn some French to his parents clearly. factor the key factor the positive/ negative factor an important factor 确实,在考试中作弊的人应该受到严厉处罚,但既然他很诚恳地认错了,我认为给他一次机会还是好过开除(expel)他。 It is true that those who cheat on the exam should be punished severely. But since he admitted his mistake very sincerely, I think it is better to give him a chance than to expel him. reasonable His fees were quite?reasonable. 他的收费还挺合理 那家超市以公道的价格销售商品,因此吸引了大量的顾客。 That supermarket sells goods at a reasonable price, and thus attracts a lot of customers. 如果你想找一份理想的工作,你必须英语非常好。(command) If you want to find an ideal job, you must have a good command of English. 她良好的英语水平使她得到了那个长期以来梦寐以求的职位。(command) Her good command of English enabled her to get the job that she had long been dreaming of. 这本字典归你使用。(command) This dictionary is at your command. command V.控制;掌管 博得,赢得,拥有(尊重、服从等) 命令,统率,指挥(军队) command sb to do command that…sb (should) do 命令某人做 command the respec


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