专业型硕士研究生英语课文讲义unit 6.ppt

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专业型硕士研究生英语课文讲义unit 6

* * Text 1 Schools Wise Up To Ways Of High-tech Cheats Unit 6 Education Prepare Yourself ethics class computer-aided cheating failing grade plagiarism mandatory penalty junk email harassment 道德教育课 利用计算机作弊 不及格 剽窃 强制惩罚 垃圾邮件 骚扰 抄袭 作弊 道德准则 校行政人员 开除 学年 读书报告 校园社区服务 copy cheating ethics school officials expulsion school year book report on-campus community service Vocabulary Study (A) 1. tends to 2. subjected … to 3. involve 4. compared with 5. dedicate 6. doctoral 7. attribution 8. Wise up Vocabulary Study (B) 1. offense 2. offended 3. complaint 4. complained 5. conclusion 6. concluded 7. manager 8. administrator 9. sources 10. resources 11. pervasive 12. overwhelming Vocabulary Study (C) 1. 尖锐的声音 棘手的问题 设备齐全的办公室 涉及面广的骚乱 2. high-priced housing natural-born ability a low-paid job old-fashioned values a dim-lit street deep-rooted prejudice Subjunctive mood 1. had asked 2. would have gone 3. would have paid 4. wouldn’t have forgotten 5. had had 6. hadn’t rained 7. wouldn’t have hired 8. wouldn’t have done 9. should set 10. would be depressed Have + n. + V-ed结构 1. She had her purse stolen on the bus. 2. You should have your car cleaned after this long drive. 3. This color television is almost eight years old. It isn’t worth having it repaired. 4. He asked the doctor to have everyone in the workshop examined and no one was found to be poisoned. 5. I had my house renovated and installed an air conditioner in every bedroom. Translation (E-C) Although ethics has always been viewed as a branch of philosophy, its all-embracing practical nature pinks it with manly other areas of study, including anthropology, biology, economics, history, politics, sociology, and theology. 虽然人们总把伦理学看作是哲学的一个分支,但伦理学包罗万象的实践的本质使它与其他许多学科领域联系起来,这些学科包括人类学、生物学、经济学、历史学、政治学、社会学和神学。 Yet, ethics remains distinct from such disciplines because it is not a matter of factual knowledge in the way that the sciences and other branches of inquiry are. Rather, it has to do with determining the nature of normati


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