专业英语 十大发明家.pptx

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专业英语 十大发明家

历史上十大发明家;1.?Archimedes of Syracuse 阿基米德;How did this ancient Greek scholar come out at number one? Well, first, he did happen to be one of the greatest mathematicians of all time who came close to precisely calculating the value of pi, figured out how to determine the area under the arc of a parabola, and thought up lots of other stuff that brings nightmares to generations of high school math students on a daily basis. 为什么古希腊学者出现在第一的位置?好吧,首先,他碰巧是历史上最精确圆周率的伟大的数学家之一,想出了如何计算抛物线弧下的面积,并想出了许多其他为学高中数学的学生带来噩梦的东西。;Oh, and he also invented a bunch of cool machines, including siege weapons and possibly even a device that may have been capable of setting Roman ships on fire by using mirrors to focus sunlight onto their sails. So how does that make him deserving of the top spot? a bunch of 一群;一束;一堆 哦,他还发明了一堆酷酷的机械,包括攻城器和通过反光镜将太阳聚焦到罗马帆船的帆上使其着火的设备。所以是什么使他占据了第一的位置?;Because he did all of this more than 2,000 years ago, and without the aid of computers or the benefit of the technologies available to many inventors today. Additionally, though he may have studied at the libraries at Alexandria (though this is not confirmed) he acquired much of this knowledge the old fashioned way—by thinking it up himself. Considering the times and the obstacles he faced in doing this, he gets my vote for being the greatest inventor of all time. 因为他所做的一切都在2000年前,并且没有电脑的帮助和没有从许多现如今的科技发明中取得便利。此外,尽管他通过自己的思考,在亚历山大图书馆中获取了许多这方面的知识(这点并未确定)。考虑到时代和他在研究这些东西时所面对的障碍,他得到了我对于所有时代最伟大发明家的投票。;2. Nikola Tesla 特斯拉;Though largely unknown during his lifetime and a man who died in relative obscurity (and as something of a reclusive mad scientist at that), the brilliant Serb—who is enjoying a resurgence in popularity lately—was probably more responsible for the birth of commercial electricity than any man in history. 虽然很大程度上他的一生是未知的并且死得也是默默无闻(一定程度上处于隐居的疯狂的科学家),那个享受最近流行回潮的才华横溢的塞尔维亚人应该比历史上任何一个人都要对商业用电的诞生更负责任。;While Tesla’s patents and theoretical work formed the basis of modern alternating current (AC) electric power syst


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