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Loong in China Chinese emperors think they are the real dragons and the sons of heaven. Thus the beds they sleep on are called the dragon beds, the throne called the dragon seat, and the emperors ceremonial dresses called the dragon robes. Thank you In China, the Dragon was credited with having great powers that allowed them to make rain and to control floods。Many Chinese people often use the term “Descendants of the Dragon” (龙的传人) as a sign of ethnic identity 在中国,龙被认为具有很大的权力,他们能够呼风唤雨。许多中国人经常使用的术语“龙的传人” 作为一种民族身份的标志 The origin of the Loong Species of Loong Idioms about Loong the Dragon The facticity of Loong Culture of Loong Originated from totems a stylized depiction of existing animals Origin of Chinese Dragon The horns of a deer the head of a camel the eyes of a rabbit the neck of a snake the abdomen of a large cockle the scales of a carp the claws of an eagle the ears of an ox Proteus anguinus 洞螈 ——An?animal?like loong 一种两栖类动物。栖息于第拿里阿尔卑斯山脉石灰岩溶洞的地下水脉中。是欧洲唯一属于洞螈科的生物,也是欧洲唯一一种穴居的脊索动物。 洞螈没有眼睛,皮肤中没有色素。有趣的是,如果洞螈生活在有光线的地方,它们将拥有眼睛和褐色的皮肤,但是它仍然是盲目的。 成体的头与图画里的龙头类似。新中国龙的有角型与洞螈,在数亿年前,可能同源。 洞螈的纪录 长寿纪录:寿命可超过100岁。 绝食纪录:可6年不进食。 屏息纪录:可在没有氧气的条件下存活三天。 1768年,奥地利医生和自然科学家洛朗发现了洞螈,起名为“普罗透斯”。 2013年 “昆仑山古洞发现真龙” 斯洛文尼亚的旧货币上,有洞螈的图样。 NOW Let’s play a game 画蛇添足 车水马龙 人中之龙 画龙点睛 龙飞凤舞 鱼跃龙门 双龙戏珠 叶公好龙 群龙无首 龙飞凤舞 an elegant handwriting 龙马精神 the energy like a dragon and a horse 龙争虎斗 a fight between a dragon and a tiger 画龙点睛 a finishing touch 卧虎藏龙 crouching tiger, hidden dragon 生龙活虎 full of life and energy 望子成龙 hold high hopes for ones child 乘龙快婿 a son-in-law of high rank Western Dragon Western dragon is different from loong,it is considered as the embodiment of Satan, who is believed as evil, and mostly takes on a form of monster. DRAGON MOVIESSTORIES 1,龙主要是吉祥的象征,而 Dragon 主要是邪恶的象征;   2,龙没有翅膀,而 Dragon 有着巨大的蝙蝠翅膀;   3,龙的身体修长,而 Dragon 的身体粗壮; 4,龙不食人间烟火,但是 Dragon 要吃人和动物;   5,龙的颜色为金黄色或其它颜色,Dragon 的颜色主要是黑色的。 However, Is there really Loong


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