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Duty report Homework comments Composition There is an increasing number of juvenile delinquents. Analyze the possible causes that give rise to this phenomenon. You are to write in three parts. In the first part, state specifically what your opinion is. In the second part, provide two or more reasons to support your idea. In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary. You should supply a title for your essay. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar, and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks. 审题 对题目的理解 体裁 关键词 Structure 结构的内容包括文章的标题、开头、结尾、层次、段落和过渡。 Title Increasing The Phenomenon Of Breaking The Law The Causes of Juvenile Delinquents The Reason of Juvenile Delinquents View on/ The Issue ofJuvenile Delinquents The Juvenile Delinquents 开头 开头要开门见山,直接触及主题或主要内容,不要绕圈子(骑墙); 要简洁,即要求文章在开头就要把文体明确、集中地提出来,这样使读者很快能够理解文章的意图。 Opening The Most Important Personal Quality of a University Student What personal quality is the most important for success? Admittedly, the answer may vary from case to case: persistence for Edison, ambitiousness for Napoleon, insightfulness for Bill Gates. But when it comes to university students, I think adaptability is the indispensable ingredient of our success. 结尾 不留“余味”,不添“蛇足”。 结尾最主要的目的是为了让读者确认你的观点,对自己的观点作一个总结性的表述。结尾可以再次点题,号召,结论,建议等。 Conclusion Should University Student Going for Business Therefore, we can say that doing business is not only good for their perception about society and their family, but also good for their study. But every coin has two sides, the negative effect should not be ignored. 层次 为了说明主题,需要设若干分论点,用一个层次表达一个分观点,各个层次表达的分观点的总和,就是文章的主题。 每个层次表述的分观点,要具有相对的完整性,对层次的划分,要前后有序,条理清楚。 段落安排的原则 一是注意段与段之间的联系; 二是每段要相对完整的表达一个中心意思,不能把一个完整的意思分成几段来写,也不能把不相关的意思硬放在一段之内,要注意段落的完整性和单一性; First, English is very important to the world. Most of the countries are English-speaking countries. The informations and some high technology comminicate w


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