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专四写作技巧2 By Mr. Shi 一:三段式写作手法 作文开头 1)开门见山,点明主题 文章一开头就交待清楚文章的主题和论点,适用于“自由发挥型”和“给定观点型”两种提纲式作文。 例如:2002年作文“The Best Way to Stay Healthy”, 开头可以“The best way to stay healthy is to develop a good quality of psychology”. 2)正反表态法 在开头一段把正反观点都表达出来,最后一句写自己的观点。具体来说就是先用一两句话介绍主题,再用一两句话介绍正反两种观点,再表达自己的观点,适合于“对比选择型”题目。 例如:1999作文“A Major Advantage/Disadvantage of Advertising on Television” Nowadays more and more advertisements are seen on TV every day. Some people think that advertising on TV can bring us a lot of benefits, but others hold the different opinions. In my opinion, I am in favor of the former. 3)让步法 即先抑后扬法,先把反方观点引出来,做个肯定评价,然后笔锋一转,回到自己的观点,适合“对比选择型”题目。 例如:2004作文“Will Phones Kill Letter Writing ?” Nowadays, young people choose to phone each other rather than write letters. Some are worried that letter writing will be useless in the future. Even so, I still maintain that letter writing will never be killed by phones, despite the fact that we have already stepped into the information age. 4)背景法 对一个现象进行分析,先把这个现象的原因、结果、发展等背景信息介绍下,然后再给出自己的看法,适合“给定观点型”和“自由发挥型”。 例如:2003作文“The Importance of Keeping a Good Mood”. The modern society is characterized by rapid pace, and people in such a society have to cope with a lot of pressures from either outer world or inner will. The most difficult, but necessary thing for them is to keep a good mood under whatever circumstances. 5)提问式 要讨论什么就把话题以反问形式提出,然后通过回答问题表达自己的观点。或者对自己的观点做个理由陈述,先写出反方观点,对其反驳,顺势提出自己的观点,适合“对比选择型”题目。 例如:Choosing a Job Profitable or a Job I love How can one find a desirable job? This question puzzles nearly everyone. In practice, most people look for well-paid jobs while a few search for jobs they love. If it is for me to make the choice, I won’t follow either since both of them are extreme. 二:主体部分(Body) 1)段落 主题句(Topic sentence):点出段落的主题。 扩展句(Developing Sentences):说明和支持主题。 结尾句 (Concluding Se


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