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Unit 2 Dialogue: Buying a Laptop Alice: Is there any discount[1] on this laptop[2]? Clerk: Its already very cheap. Lets make it 6000 Yuan[3]. Thats as cheap as it can get. Alice: Alright, Ill buy this one. Can I pay using a credit card? Clerk: Sorry, you can only pay cash. Well also include a laptop bag and a mouse for you. Alice: How long is the warranty good for? Clerk: One year. The maintenance store location and telephone numbers are on the warranty card. Words and expressions: [1] discount [diskaunt]?n. v. 折扣,打折扣,贴现,不重视,低估 laptop [l?pt?p] n. 笔记本电脑Lets make it 6000 Yuan. 这样吧,六千make it 是美国俚语,是一个用途极广的多义性习语,在书刊中俯首即是,在日常交谈中随时可听得到常与canlet,want等词连用用来表示达到预定目标;办成,做到;成功。例如:? He wants to make it as a writer. 他想作为作家而一举成名。Can you make it tomorrow? 明天行吗?Tell him I want to see him tonight, at my house if he can make it. 告诉他今晚我要见他,行的话就在我家。Practice: I. Answer the following questions based on the dialogue_____________ on this laptop? 2. That’s _____________ it can get. 3. Can I pay using a _____________ ? 4. We’ll also _____________ a laptop bag and a mouse for you. II. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the following words and expressions: A. cheap B. include C. discount D. pay cash 1. That store _____________ all its slow-selling goods. 2. I was very lucky to get the book so _____________. 3. Will you _____________ or charge the purchase? 4. The price _____________ both house and furniture. Text:The Price System Everything has a price —each commodity and each service. The different kinds of human labor have prices, usually called “wages”. Everybody receives[1] money for what he sells and uses this money to buy what he wishes. If more is wanted of any one commodity,say,shoes—a flood of new orders will be given for it. This will cause its price to rise and more to be produced. Similarly, if more of a commodity such as tea becomes available than people want to buy at the last quoted market price, its price will be marked down by competition[3]. At the lo


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