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北京 亭pavilion 台terrace stage platform 楼 tower and terrace hall 阁 chamber、pavilion 轩 pavilion 宫 palace、temple 殿 palace、hall、temple 堂hall 观Taoist temple 塔tower 钟楼bell tower/clock tower 牌楼memorial archway 鼓楼 drum tower 古建 ancient building 长廊long corridor 石雕 stone caring 彩绘 painting 红墙 red wall/purple-red wall 斗拱bracket 假山 rockery 建筑群building complex 木结构 wood construction 石栏杆 stone balustrade 玻璃瓦 glazed tile 中轴线central axis 紫禁城the Forbidden City 颐和园 the Summer palace 天坛 the Temple of Heaven 故宫 the Imperial palace/The Palace Museum/the Forbidden City 祭天 to worship the Heaven/to offer sacrifices to Heaven/to talk to the heavenly emperor 祈年殿 Qinian Hall/Hall of Prayers for Good Harvests 圜丘 the Circular Altar 回音壁 Echo wall 三音石 Triple-Sound stones 故宫是至今中国保存最完整的最大的古建筑群 The Imperial Palace is the largest ancient Chinese architectural complex still standing. 紫禁城位于北京城中轴线的中段,南北长961米,东西763米,占地约7200000平方米(74公顷) The Forbidden City, located in the center of the axial line, stretches 763 meters from east to west and 961 meters from north to south, covering 720000 square meters (74 hectares) 紫禁城共有800栋建筑,9000间房,是世界上最大的宫廷建筑群。 There are 800 buildings that have in total about 9000rooms in the Forbidden City. It is the world’s largest palace complex. 天坛是中国皇帝祭天的最大神庙,位于故宫东南方数公里处 天坛里的主要建筑有祈年殿和圜丘,还有著名的回音壁和三音石 The main architectures of the Temple of Heaven are the Qinian hall and the Circular Mound Altar. There are also the famous Echo Wall and Triple-Sound stones. 天坛最初是进行宗教仪式的巨大高台 颐和园是中国现在规模最大,保护最完善的皇家园林 The summer palace is the grandest, the best preserved imperial garden in China. 颐和园原名清漪园,始建于1750年,咸丰十年(1186年)被英法联军烧毁,1888年重建 The Summer Palace, originally named Qingyi Yuan (the Garden of Clear Ripples), was first constructed in 1750, burnt in 1860 by the Anglo-French allied forces and rebuilt in 1888. 上海 入海口 estuary 平方公里 square kilometer 海上之埠a port on the sea 钢架 steel frame 玻璃幕墙 glass curtain wall 东方明珠 oriental pearl 景点 scenic sport 上海字面意思为“海上之埠”,它是世界上最大的海港之一,也是现代中国主要的工业和商业中心 Shanghai, litera


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