专题06 考前必做难题30题-2015年高考英语走出题海之黄金30题系列 Word版含解析.doc

专题06 考前必做难题30题-2015年高考英语走出题海之黄金30题系列 Word版含解析.doc

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专题06 考前必做难题30题-2015年高考英语走出题海之黄金30题系列 Word版含解析

1.Flocks of customers joined Alibaba Singles Day, Hong Kong, the U.S. and Russia_______ the top three outside. A. claimed B. to be claimed C. claiming D. being claimed 【答案】C 【解析】考查独立主格结构。该句句意为:成群的顾客加入了阿里巴巴的光棍节,香港、美国和俄罗斯成为(大陆以外的)前三甲。分析句式可知,Hong Kong, the U.S. and Russia_______ the top three outside.为独立主格结构作状语,而claim(获得/取得/赢得)和其逻辑主语Hong Kong, the U.S. and Russia之间为主动关系,故该题正确答案为C. claiming. 考点:独立主格结构 2.If people outside China learned a bit about jasmine tea culture, they would realize there_______ a lot of enjoyment in it. A. is B. was C. were D. would be 【答案】A 3.My voice was so little and the shop owner had to bend down to hear_______ I wanted to buy. A. what it was B. it was what C. what it was that D. what was that 【答案】C 【解析】考查强调句及名词性从句。该句句意为:我的声音太小了,所以店主不得不弯下腰来听我到底想要买什么。分析句子结构可知,该宾语从句也是一个强调句的特殊疑问句。且应注意从句的语序应为陈述句语序,故该题正确答案为C. 考点:强调句及名词性从句 4.It might have_______ your notice but I am very busy at the moment. A. quit B. neglected C. escaped D. denied 【答案】C 【解析】考查动词辨析。该句句意为:你可能没注意到,但是我现在确实太忙了。A. quit离开;停止;摆脱;B. neglected疏忽;忽略;C. escaped溜走;逃脱;D. denied否定;而escape ones attention/notice:被某人忽视;故该题正确答案为C. 考点:动词辨析 5.—With this New Year_______ new challenges. 一Sure. Global economy remains uncertain, and many countries continue to struggle. A. comes B. will come C. is coming D. come 考点:谓语 6.He hasn’t got any hobbies —_______ you call watching TV a hobby. A. when B. if C. unless D. since 【答案】C 【解析】考查连词辨析。A. when当…的时候;B. if如果;C. unless除非;D. since自…以来;该句句意:他没有什么爱好——除非你把看电视也称作爱好。故该题正确答案为C. 考点:连词辨析 7._______the strong winds continue, part of the highway would still be temporarily closed. A. Could B. Would C. Should D. Might 【答案】C 【解析】 试题分析:考查情态动词。A. Could能; B. Would将要;C. Should应该;D. Might可能。句意:如果强风继续,高速公路的局部将仍然暂时关闭。根据后半句的would可知此处表示一种虚拟,将if省略,那么要将Should提到主语前面。故选C。 考点:考查情态动词。 Usually math inspires fear, but Mr. Smith turns that fear into a unique kind of understanding, and, ______, progress and learning. A. differe


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