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世界上最简短最精彩的演讲系列一 经典演讲一:? Angry Words 愤怒的话Words said in anger are like scars left by nails in a fence. Even though you can pull all the nails out, the fence is never really the same. You can pierce a knife into a man and draw it out. No matter how many times you say, “I’m sorry”, the wound is still there. Verbal wounds are as damaging as physical wounds. 【参考翻译】 怒的时候说的话,就像钉子钉在栅栏上留下的疤痕。尽管你可以把栅栏上的钉子都拔出来,但栅栏却永远不会恢复原样了。你可以一刀刺到别人身上,然后拔出来。但无论你说多少次“对不起。伤口永远都在那儿。口头上带来的伤害跟身体上的伤害一样严重。? 经典演讲二:? Real Beauty真正的美丽? 【1】Beauty is only skin-deep. Physical beauty can only be held fleetingly. Real beauty is much deeper and far greater. It is a life force, an energy, which radiates from within and transcends the physical. Real beauty may not be visible at first glance, but it lasts forever. 【2】Inner beauty is limitless. Physical beauty is limited. What you can see is never as deep and profound as what you can’t see. 【参考翻译】 【1】美丽是肤浅的。外表的美丽会飞快地流逝。而真正的美丽要深刻和伟大得多。它是一股生命力,是一种能量,它从内到外散发出来并超越外表的美。真正的美丽可能不会一眼就看出来,但却能持续到永远。 【2】内在美是无限的。外内在美是无限的。外在美是有限的。你肉眼所无法看到的永远比你能看到的更加深刻和意义深远。? 经典演讲三:? How to Get What You Want 如何得到你想要的? 【1】If you want something, give it away. 【2】When a farmer wants more seeds, he takes his seeds and gives them to the earth. When you want a smile, give yours. When you want affection, you give affection. And if you want people to give you money, what must you do? Share some of yours. 【3】You have to do something first, then others will do it too. You should perform a kind act first then others reciprocate. 【4】Remember, deeds before words!【参考翻译】 【1】? 如果你想得到某样东西,就要先付出。 【2】? 农民想得到更多的种子,就要把自己的种子撒到泥土里。你希望别人喜欢你,就要先去喜欢别人。那么如果你希望别人给你钱,你该怎么做呢?那就是自己的一些钱拿出来分享。 【3】? 你必须先去做一件事情,别人才会跟着做。你要先对别人作出善意的举动,别人才会回报你。 【4】? 记住,先付出,再索求!? 经典演讲四:? Three Key Points of Success 成功三要素? Everyone wants to be successful. Today I would like to share three simple key points of success. Number one is: Know what you are doing. Number two is: Love what you are doing.Number three is: Believe what you are doing. If you f


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