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热点教育专题期末论文 (2013年下) 题 目 世界大学排名 系 专 业 班 级 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 完成日期 2013年12月 摘 要 本论文主要讲述世界大学排名的介绍、指标、评价标准以及对一些大学进行深入研究。世界大学排名是根据各项科学研究和教学等标准,以英文发表研究报告和学术论文,针对相关大学在数据、报告、成就、声望等方面进行数量化评鉴,再通过加权后形成的排序。国际研究显示表明优秀学生认为大学排名靠前能带来特别的利益,积极地影响他们的职业机会和人生质量。排名靠前的大学常常收到更多的学生申请,而排名靠后的大学生源数量可能下降。另外,各国排名居前的名牌大学和具有特色的新兴大学常获得政府巨额的教育补助。再者由于各校强项不一,有的是由于历史悠久、校友贡献良多、国家资源投入、科学研究地位而使其稳定领先。有的则迅速改善自身的缺失,并强化既有的特色,而得以在各类的排行榜上逐年提升。然而,今天的排名影响着一大批利益攸关方的选择和决定。不同的排名机构使用不同的标准和方式进行排名。高等教育机构是复杂的组织,不同的院系有不同的优势和弱点,所以根据所使用的标准和指标/权重的不同,对优秀程度的定义也可能变化。 关键词:世界大学 排名 排名机构 ABSTRACT This paper mainly introduced the world university rankings, indicators, evaluation criteria and the University study. The world university rankings are based on the scientific research and teaching standards, published research reports and academic papers English, according to the related university in the data, reports, achievement, reputation and other aspects of quantitative evaluation, and through the weighted after the formation of the sort. International research shows that excellent students think university ranking can bring special interests, actively influence their occupation opportunities and quality of life. The top university often receive more students apply for university students, and ranking number on may fall. In addition, the ranking of the top brand-name University and has the characteristics of the new university often get huge amounts of government education grant. Furthermore as a result of various strengths are different, some with a long history, alumni contributions, national resources, scientific research and make it stable leading position. Others quickly improve their deficiencies, and strengthen the existing features, and can be improved by the various types of charts. However, todays rankings influence the choice and decision of a large number of stakeholders. The ranking mechanism is different with different standards and methods for ranking. Insti


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