世界著名旅游城市 威尼斯中英双语介绍.ppt

世界著名旅游城市 威尼斯中英双语介绍.ppt

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世界著名旅游城市 威尼斯中英双语介绍

因水而生 因水而美 水而兴 因水而优 VeniceThe capital of Veneto region, northern Italy.Built on the lagoon of Venice, it encompasses some 118 islands, the whole 90-mi (145-km) perimeter of the lagoon, and two industrial mainland boroughs. 威尼斯是意大利北部主要港口,威尼托区的首府。建于威尼斯潟湖上,周围长145千米,包含118个岛屿和2个工业城镇。 Venice, Italy is a magical place. It is one of the few cities in the world where the sound of cars are never heard. Instead, when it is quiet, one hears the lapping of waves against the city s magnificent Renaissance buildings. 意大利的威尼斯是一个神奇的天堂,它是世界上少数几个城市听不到汽车声音的城市之一。取而代之的宁静,你可以听到水浪拍打着城市里伟大的文艺复兴时期的建筑  Venice is Europes largest urban?car-free area. Venice is unique in Europe, in having remained a sizable functioning city in the twenty-first century entirely without motorcars or trucks. Venice is located in a lagoon in the Adriatic Sea and is built on islands linked by more than 400 bridges. All transportation is by boat or on foot. Venice s most famous vehicles are gondolas, which drift slowly through the city s famed canals as the men steering the boats serenade passengers with arias from Italian operas.  威尼斯坐落于亚得里亚海的泻湖之上,由400多座桥梁连接而成。所有的运输工具都是船或者步行。威尼斯最著名的交通工具就是冈朵拉(Gondola),坐在冈朵拉上面可以一边看风景一边听艺人们演奏的意大利歌剧。  gondolas 刚朵拉 Venice becomes even more enchanting during Carnival. Carnival is an annual celebration before Lent, a 40-day period of fasting that precedes Easter. The dates of Carnival vary each year depending on the date of Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent.  狂欢节上的威尼斯尤其迷人。嘉年华每年在四旬斋节前举行,在复活节前禁食40天.每年的嘉年华定为复活节前的第七个星期三,四旬斋的第一天。 Venice becomes even more charming(迷人的) during Carnival(狂欢节), which is the most world-famous festival and one of the oldest. The streets of Venice Carnival are full of people in masks. Anyway, the Venice Carnival is an adventure worth experiencing.    狂欢节是威尼斯最举世闻名的节日,也是最古老的节日之一。在狂欢节当天,威尼斯大街小巷遍布着戴着面具的人。不管怎么说,威尼斯狂欢节都是一次值得经历的奇遇之旅。 Between February 21 and March 4, carnival hits the streets. For most people, carnival meanlarge parties and feasting. But in Venice,


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