东南亚宗教发展 英文.ppt

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东南亚宗教发展 英文

Southeast Asian Religions Buddhism Hindusim Confucianism Islam Christianity Animism Hinduism Beliefs and practices of Vedic age (1500-500 B.C.E) and the Aryan occupation of Indus Valley. Gods of Vedic pantheon represented forces of nature. Examples: Agni-fire, Indra-war/firmament, Maruts-wind, Varuna – sky. Brahmin priests emerged who could “control” Vedic gods thru sacrificial rites. Brahmins became a closed, hereditary order as guardians of the powers of sacred ritual. Hinduism (Cont’d) Epic Literature The Mahabharata containing the Bhagavad-Gita spoken by Lord Krishna to Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra The Ramayana about the adventures of Lord Rama, the 7th incarnation of Vishnu. Hindu Scripture Vedas, Brahmanas, Upanishads. Hinduism (Cont’d) Central Hindu gods: Brahman – the universal spirit. Brahma – the creator. Vishnu – the preserver. S(h)iva – the destroyer. Siva’s wife: Parvati or Uma – goddess of Motherhood. Durga or Kali – goddess of destruction. Major Casts: Brahmins – teachers priests. Kshatriyas – warriors, kings administrators. Vaishyas – farmers, merchants, herdsmen businessmen Shudras – servants and laborers. Hinduism (Cont’d) Concepts. Karma – consequences Dharma – moral law Atman – soul Brahman – universal spirit. Samsara – cycle of rebirth transmigration Maksha – union with the divine, release from samsara Equivalent to Nirvana in Buddhism. Hindu Cosmos The world consists of a circular central continent, Jambudvipa (land of humans), surrounded by seven annular oceans and seven annular continents. Mount Meru, the center (axis) of the world rises from Jambudvipa. The sun, moon and stars revolve around it. The city of the gods, Sardasana, is at the summit, surrounded by eight Lakapals (guardian gods). Meru Base Buddhism The historical Buddha: Guatama Sakyamuni (Siddhartha of the Shakya clan, a Kshatriya of Mongolian extraction.) Born a prince in Nepal in 563,died 483 B.C.E Married at age of 16; had one son, Rahula. At 29 hi


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