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中医 Traditional Chinese Medicine ◎Chinese Medicine’s history ◎Introduction of TCM ◎The philosophy of TCM ◎The famous doctor in history ◎Comparison between WM and TCM ◎Traditional Chinese Medicine knowledge Three possible origins of TCM 圣源说(Sheng Yuan Shuo):黄帝《黄帝内经》 神创说(Creationism Say):伏羲制九针,神农尝百草 巫源说(Wu source):即医巫不分说,《世本》 The famous doctors in history [Acupuncture[ Acupuncture involves the stimulation of anatomical points on the body with thin needled. no pain. hair-thin and by hand “Yin/Yang Meridian points massage Tui Na Uses wave-like motions Brings awareness back to a person’s body, Stimulates the flow of Qi, blood and body fluids pain, stress or digestion(消化) problems 漱玉津 耳常鼓 面常洗 头常摇 腰常摆 腹常揉 常散步 脚常搓 摄谷道 发常梳 齿常叩 目常运 Comparison between Western Medicine and TCM ◎TCM : Used to apply “Four Diagnosis” (四诊), “Eight Principles“(八纲), based on mainly experience. WM : Use of modern scientific findings and advanced technology for a microscopic(微观的) investigation. Advantage The traditional Chinese medicine is treating the symptoms and the causes, but the curative effect is slow relatively. The western medicine curative effect is quick, but mostly isnt a permanent cure, moreover the side effect cant be ignored. Traditional Chinese Medicine knowledge 原则:春夏养阳,秋冬养阴 夏病冬治,冬病夏治 春夏温补阳气,调养心肝 Heart and Liver 秋冬滋养阴液,调理肺肾 Lung and kidney 如何吃? How to eat? ●春夏 以茶代药:菊花Chrysanthemum 金银花Honeysuckle 决明子Semen Cassiae ●秋冬 四神健脾药膳:茯苓Tuckahoe 20g 莲子Lotus seed 25g 芡实Gorgon fruit 25g 薏仁Pearl barley 20g 山药Yam 25g 养肺补肝:梨子Pear 百合Lily 枸杞Chinese wolfberry 如何睡?How to sleep? 子时At midnight(23:00—01:00): 养胆Bile 丑时Chou period(01:00—03:00): 养肝Liver 谢谢观赏 Thank you * * Chinese Medicine’s history 5000. It has formed a deep and wide knowledge of human body ,pathology ,disease diagnosis prevention and cure. ●Diagnostic Method o


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