中国文化作业 中国酒文化.doc

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中国文化作业 中国酒文化

中国文化课程作业 Culture of Chinese Alcohol Introduction Many Chinese alcoholic drinks are quite distinctive from those of other countries’ and foreign visitors coming across them for the first time may be a little wary of them. However, once they have tasted a sample or two, they may well acquire a taste for the various drinks available and find they really enjoy them! As an important component of Chinese cuisine and culture, the use of alcohol can be traced back to the dawn of the nations history. Over the centuries many different kinds of alcoholic drinks have been developed and brewing methods as well as distillation has become more sophisticated. At the same time the way of consuming these desirable products has become a vital part of custom and culture. Alcoholic beverages have inspired many writers resulting in thousands of poems and other works relative to the magic elixir. People drink it when they are joyous and for fun and although we are aware that an over indulgence can harm the constitution, nevertheless drinking in moderation is considered beneficial. No banquet would be complete without it, while a toast can seal a business enterprise, send troops into battle with a prayer for victory as well as endorse a wish for the health and happiness of family and friends. One of the classic examples of the ceremonial use of alcohol is described in the famous story Romance of the Three Kingdoms. The three heroes in the epic tale, become blood brothers by drinking bowls of wine into which they have mixed drops of their own blood from cuts in their fingers! This act may seem extreme but was a symbol of faithfulness in those days. 中国酒 简介: 中国的许多酒饮和外国的相比较极具独特性。一般情况下,外来游客第一次接触中国的这些饮料时会有那么一点点地担心和害怕从而不敢品尝。但是,一旦他们品尝了一到两个样品以后,他们就很可能找到适合自己口味的各种酒饮,并且慢慢地爱上他们。 酒文化作为中国饮食文化的一个重要组成部分,它的使用可以追溯到中国的历史上。千百年来,许多不同种类的酒酿造方法以及蒸馏已变得。同时成习俗与文化一个重要组成部分。Classification of Chinese Alcohol Liquor Chinese liquor, which is one of the six world-famous varieties of spirits (the other five being brandy, wh


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