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* Embroidery 刺绣 General Introduction The History of Embroidery Major Styles General Introduction Embroidery(ci xiu), also called zhen xiu,zhahua ,commonly known as xiuhua, is a brilliant pearl in Chinese art. In the costume culture , it occupies an important position in the treasure of the Chinese traditional arts and crafts, and is an important part of Chinese nation. It represents the wisdom of Chinese people. The History of Embroidery The earliest embroidery unearthed so far dates back to the Warring States Period. The two embroidery articles, discovered from Chu tomb in Changsha, Hunan, represent mature embroidering handiwork in terms of its advanced embroidery technology, elegant color matching and graphic presentation of the design. 目前传世最早的刺绣,是湖南长沙楚墓中出土的两件战国时期的刺绣品,针法成熟,配色清雅,图案生动,显示出成熟的刺绣工艺。 The History of Embroidery 湖北江陵马山一号楚墓出土,湖北荆州博物馆藏 ????以锁绣在白色罗上绣成。绣线有红棕、黄绿、土黄、橘红、黑灰等。绣地轻薄,绣工精细,锁扣较长。纹样为龙、凤、虎和花卉。凤鸟纹具颇具特色,与同时期漆器上的凤纹风格相近。虎纹以土红和黑色相间,动感十足。 湖北江陵马山一号楚墓出土,湖北荆州博物馆藏 ????面衾(qin)就是被面,以五幅浅黄绢拼成。以锁绣针法绣对凤对龙纹。 湖北江陵马山一号楚墓出土,湖北荆州博物馆藏 ????这是最具战国楚风特点的一件面衾。经拼合复原后,图案精美。锁绣针法发挥到了极致,凤冠凤翅以单行锁绣铺列,其他地方则用深浅色满铺针法。色彩有棕红、深红、土黄、浅黄。 湖北江陵马山一号楚墓出土,湖北荆州博物馆藏 ???? 这件绣绵袍为右纴(rèn)、直裾(jū)、袖筒宽短,浅黄色绢料制成。上绣凤鸟纹。 The History of Embroidery Comparatively speaking, unearthed embroideries from the Han Dynasty were quite impressive in number, especially those that were unearthed in 1972 at Mawangdui in Changsha. The large numbers of various kinds of complete embroideries demonstrated the outstanding achievements in embroidery technology in the Han Dynasty. 汉代出土的刺绣品较多,尤其是1972年长沙马王堆出土的大批品类繁多而完整的刺绣品,更展示出汉代刺绣的杰出成就。 Later on more embroideries were unearthed from the Wei-Jin, Tang-Song and Ming-Qing dynasties, which not only manifested the unique styles characteristic of each phase of history, but also displayed fully the vein of inheritance and development of this traditional folk handicraft in China’s history. 此后,魏晋、唐宋、明清时期的大量出土刺绣品,不仅展示了不同时期刺绣工艺的独特风格,而且全面展示了中国刺绣工艺传承与发展的历史。 The History of Embroidery


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