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中国钨业概况-第六章 国内钨产业结构 Chapter VI Tungsten Industrial Structure in China 江西省的硬质合金工业从1972年开始,一直到2000年,长达28年间,只有一家企业即南昌硬质合金厂 The cemented carbide industry in Jiangxi province started from 1972. Until 2000, there had been only one producer, Nanchang Cemented Carbide Works, for twenty-eight years. 2001年才开始出现两家小型硬质合金企业 Two small-scaled hard alloy producers came into being in 2001 中国钨业概况-第六章 国内钨产业结构 Chapter VI Tungsten Industrial Structure in China 而到2014年上半年止,江西省的硬质合金企业已发展到13家,生产能力达到8410吨,列湖南省的15540吨之后 However, by the end of the first half of 2014, there have been thirteen hard alloy producers in Jiangxi with a total production capacity of 8,410tons, second to the capacity of 15,540tons in Hunan. 而且尚有新的硬质合金生产线建设的计划正在实施中 In addition, more new hard alloy production lines are under planning and implementation 中国钨业概况-第六章 国内钨产业结构 Chapter VI Tungsten Industrial Structure in China 6-2、钨企业经济多元化 6-2、Economic diversification of tungsten producers 以硬质合金企业为例,产能在500吨以上的29家企业: Take hard alloy producers as an example, there are twenty-nine producers with an individual production capacity of over 500tons: 5家国有企业,产能为14780吨,占500吨以上企业产能的43.5% five state-owned producers own a total capacity of 14,780tons, or 43.5% of the twenty-nine producers. 中国钨业概况-第六章 国内钨产业结构 Chapter VI Tungsten Industrial Structure in China 民营企业21家,产能15690吨,占46.2%,超过国有企业2.7个百分点 Twenty-one private-owned producers have a total capacity of 15,690tons, or 46.2%, which exceeds that of state-owned producers by 2.7 percentage points. 外资企业3500吨,占10.3% Foreign-invested producers have a total capacity of 3,500tons, or 10.3% 中国钨业概况-第六章 国内钨产业结构 Chapter VI Tungsten Industrial Structure in China 6-3、企业集中度进一步提高 6-3、Corporate integration further stepped up 我国钨企业从矿山、冶炼到加工,大大小小千余家 There are thousands of tungsten mines, smelters and processing plants in China 绝大多数企业规模小、生产产品档次低 Most of them are very small and produce low-end products 中国钨业概况-第六章 国内钨产业结构 Chapter VI Tungsten Industrial Structure in China 本世纪以来,以一些大型骨干企业为核心,组成了钨行


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