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南 京 财 经 大 学 本科毕业论文(设计) 中文题目: 英文题目: Small and medium-sized enterprises purchasing management problems existing in and strategy jianhuai motor MPV branch for example 姓 名: 学 号: 院 (系): 专 业: 指导教师: Abstract: currently, small and medium-sized enterprises in China show management level is low, lack of competition ability and resist the operational risks of becoming weaker, many small and medium-sized enterprise is still in those early days, there are serious waste of resources and environmental pollution problems. Along with the international financial crisis of continuous and deepen, small and medium-sized enterprises face the pressure and challenges is more and more big. So, at present, Chinas small and medium-sized enterprises, the current status of through what channels can be changed? Only implement purchasing innovation strategy, for promoting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises to provide a new thought. Below we will supply chain experience, combining theory from purchase way of innovation and enterprise culture analysis on two aspects analysis of sme in China purchasing and supply chain innovation. Keywords: competitiveness purchasing Supply chain innovation 引言 研究背景 截至2004年底,我国共有中小工业企业273263家,其中国有及规模以上非国有企业217409家,全部中小工业企业的资产合计达135823.5亿元。2004年中小工业企业创造的工业总产值达132192亿元,上缴利税11784.7亿元,解决了5232万劳动力的就业问题。可以看出,中小企业已经成为我国工业经济的重要增长点,为我国经济发展做出了巨大的贡献。我国大部分中小企业的市场观念仍处于落后阶段,这严重制约着中小企业的进一步发展。树立科学的现代观念,建立符合实际的新模式是中小企业的当务之急。在这种情况下,中小企业就要结合自身条件和特点,在管理过程中,采用适合于自身发展的机制生存之道--探寻小企业的成功之路------作者:权衡,王明玉 编中小企业如何做强做大----- 作者:武文胜 主编 中小企业采购现状及风险控制分析尹立新,河南财政税务高等专科学校1.规划合适的策略。/info/325/2251325.shtml 南京财经大学自学考试毕业论文(本科) 2


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