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Some Thoughts concerning Track II Diplomacy from American Entertainer Backing Revising Constitution of Japan ZYH 13th Nov. 2015 据日本共同社11月10日报道,旨在实现修宪的市民团体 “创造美好日本宪法的国民会”10日在东京武道馆举行了集会。不仅日本首相安倍晋三送去视频致辞,美国艺人Kent Gilbert也参加了集会,强调称“美国之所以制定(规定放弃战争的)《宪法》第九条是因为想把日本变成弱国”。他说:“自己的国家靠自己守护是理所当然之事,愿这能通过修宪变成现实。” News: Messages: “创造美好日本宪法的国民会” Non-Governmental Group Kent Gilbert Unofficial Individual (Entertainer/Celebrity) But their Aim is to express their governments political stance to some extent. This affair manifested that the authorities of AmericaJapan both desire to revise the living constitution of Japan. Thoughts 1: Track II Diplomacy Definition: Non-governmental, informal and unofficial contacts and activities; Between private citizens or groups of individuals; Not a substitute for track I diplomacy; Rather, it is there to assist official actors to manage and resolve conflicts without the requirements of formal negotiation or bargaining for advantage. Release some signals in advance. Thoughts 2: Track II D in Asia-Pacific Area Effects: Provide a platform to discuss some sensitive and complex issues; Give recommendation of decision-making; Increase the mutual trust; Forge a new form of diplomacy. Problems: Inadequate behaviours; subjectivitycasualness of individuals; Action lag; Inappropriate relations between II and I. Thoughts 3: Improve CJ Relations by TII D 松冈环 邓丽君 ①Scholar Visit ②Academic Coperation ③Art Exchange Conclusion: Thought 12: Track I Dipomacy Main Part Track I Dipomacy not Substitute but Supplement I D acquiesces and backs II D Thought 3: Tell right-wing militaristsconscientious Japanese apart; Resist any militaristic behaviours; Increase people-to-people exchanges. The End Thanks for your time! 13th Nov. 2015


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