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The Comparison of Tea Culture between China and Japan Briefly introduction about tea culture   Chinese tea culture forms from her long history, it consists of complicated arrangement of ideas and luxuriant content contents. The Japanese tea culture, to some extent, inherits from Chinese culture, but it also has its own system. However, both of their aim is to get the essence of tea, such as refresh ourselves. Sado (this word is directly from Japanese ちっどぅ,茶道) belongs to the oriental culture,. The differences between western and oriental culture is that we can not define it clearly, we need to understand it by our savvy(悟性). Some people regard Sado as the tea culture, in fact ,Sado is one part of tea culture, but we can define the tea culture based on the Sado, so today, I will analysis of the tea culture based on the Sado. The origin of tea China is the homeland of tea.It is believed that China had tea-shrubs as early as five to six thousand years ago,and human cultivation of teaplants dates back two thousand years.Tea from China, along with her silk and porcelain, began to be known the world over more than a thousand years ago and has since always been an important Chinese export.At present more than forty countries in the world grow tea with Asian countries producing 90% of the worlds total output.All tea trees in other countries have their origin directly or indirectly in China. The habit of tea drinking spread to Japan in the 6th century, but it was not introduced to Europe and America till the 17th and 18th centuries.Now the number of tea drinkers in the world is legion and is still on the increase. 中国十大名茶 安溪铁观音 洞庭碧螺春 黄山毛峰 君山银针 六安瓜片 庐山云雾 武夷岩茶 西湖龙井 信阳毛尖 西湖龙井 西湖龙井,居中国名茶之冠。产于浙江省杭州市西湖周围的群山之中。多少年来,杭州不仅以美丽的西湖闻名于世界,也以西湖龙井茶誉满全球。西湖群山产茶已有千百年的历史,在唐代时就享有盛名,但形成扁形的龙井茶,大约还是近百年的事。相传,乾隆皇帝巡视杭州时,曾在龙井茶区的天竺作诗一首,诗名为《观采茶歌》。?   西湖龙井茶向以“狮(峰)、龙(井)、云(栖)、虎(跑)、梅(家坞)”排列品第,以西湖龙井茶为最。龙井茶外形挺直削尖、扁平俊秀、光滑匀齐、色泽绿中显黄。冲泡后,香气清高持久,香馥若兰;汤色杏绿,清澈明亮,叶底嫩绿,匀齐成朵,芽芽直立,栩栩如生。品饮茶汤,沁人心脾,齿间流芳,回味无穷。   龙


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