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Unit6 Where’s Your Recycling Box? Brain storming However, there is a severe shortage of water in the world now… Water scarcity is a worldwide issue nowadays. 1. Read the passage and find out what the percentages mean on each pie chart. 75% of Earth’s Surface is covered by water. 97% of Earth’s Water is sea water. Some of the water has been seriously polluted. Post- Reading Does the passage mention the details of taking steps to protect our precious water resources? Before thinking about the water shortage phenomenon and the actions we need to take, please see the video clips below. Conclusion Homework * Reading Part B The World Is Thirsty 滨 海 中 专 Coco Xu When we talk about water, what words and expressions will come to your mind? Water essential to life need water to survive… Water is a basic need. indispensable for different industries. three states: solid, liquid, and gas being polluted We’re short of it. Will you talk about the contributions that water has made to mankind and other lives? 2 billion The statistics show that there are now people face water shortage. 88% of diarrhea links to unsafe water, which brings 3-4 million deaths. The World Is Thirsty Reading: 25% 75% Earth’s Surface 3% 97% Earth’s Water Only 3% of Earth’s Water is fresh water. 1.6% of Earth’s fresh water is in the form of icebergs and glaciers. 0.36% of Earth’s fresh water comes from underground. Only 0.036% of the fresh water comes from lakes and rivers. 2. Read passage B again and tick(√) true or false. ① People can use water from icebergs and glaciers directly. ② The small amount of fresh water on the earth is not enough for all of us right now. ③ Compared with industry, agriculture is more likely to be affected by a limited water supply. ④ One way to stop wasting water is to reuse it. F F F T 2. Read passage B again and summarize the main idea of each paragraph. Paragraph 1: The world is still thirsty for water, though there seems to be a large


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