中考 形容词副词比较级和最高级.ppt

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中考 形容词副词比较级和最高级

I’m twelve. My friend is ten. I’m ______ than my friend. My friend is _______ than I am. I’m not ____ ____ as my friend. My friend is not __ __ as I /me. Unit 1 is easy. Unit 6 is difficult. Unit 1 is not ____ ____ as Unit 6. Unit 1 is _____ _____ as Unit 6. Unit 6 is _____ _____ than Unit 1. Unit 6 is not ____ ____ as Unit 1. Bill is the tallest in our class. Bill is _____ than ____ ____ student in our class. long large hot easy good happy big slowly 9. important 10. bad 11. well 12. useful 13. few 14. hard 15. much 用括号内形容词和副词的适当形式填空 1.Jack isn’t so _____ (clever) as John. 2.Tom works as _____ (hard) as Mary. 3.China is ___________ (large) country in Asia. 4.It’s ________ (hot) today than yesterday. 5.This park looks much ________ (good) than that one. 6. I can’t run as fast as you. You run _____ (fast) than I. 7. Of all the girls she draws ______ (well). 8. English is one of _____________ (interesting) subjects. 9. This student is ____________ (careful) than any other student. 10. Which is __________ (easy), English, Chinese or maths? 改错: 1. His computer is cheaper than I. 2. Bill is taller than any boy in his class. 3. Mary sings better than any other boy in her class. 4. Jim is very older than his sister. 5. Li Ling is the youngest of our class. 6. It is the most useful book. 7. Li Fen draws better of the two girls. 8. He is the tallest in the three boys. 9. It’s more bigger than a chicken. 10. He is younger of the two. 11. My classroom is bigger than you. 12. The girl is very taller. 13. Mr. Green is my the best teacher. 14. Jim is one of the tallest boy in our class. 15. John runs is the fastest of all. 16. My father is get up earlier than my mother. faster (the) best the most interesting more careful the easiest I mine any boy any other boy any boy any other boy very much in a the better of much the younger yours tall 去掉 the boys 去掉is 改为:gets * 形容词、副词 形容词用于描绘人或事物的特征的词。 形容词的用法 修饰名词,表示名词的属性。在句子中充当表语、定语和宾补。 1)用作定语,修饰名词或代词: He live


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