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Module 6 – Part 1 Business Topic: Business Travel * 旅行愉快!/ 旅途愉快! Have a good trip!/ journey! baggage handler 行李员 air traffic controller 空中交通管理员 flight attendant 空姐, 空乘人员 boarding pass 登机牌 first class 一等舱 busines/economy class 商务舱/经济舱 The person at the check-in desk wanted to see the credit card that I had to purchase the ticker. The check-in clerk’s job is to apply the rules. check-in desk 办理登机手续的柜台 According to his own story, he was late bacause of the traffic jam.据他自己的说法, That is another story.那是题外话。 Itt is another story now. 现在情形不同了。 change his story 改变了说法 story :说法,描述,叙述 The flight to London is overbooked so that we can’t get on.飞往伦敦的班机预计超额,我们无法登机。 She missed her flight because of overbooking. overbook 超出预计、预订超额 问讯处 information desk You can only take one piece of luggage on the aeroplane. luggage n.行李 check-in desk办理登机手续的柜台 check in 起飞 she said that my plane was going to take off at 3:00. take off n.飞行员 pilot n.护照 passport The flight attendant pushed my wheelchair all the way to my seat on the plane.空组推着我的轮椅一直到座位旁 flight attendant I showed the airling representative both my passport and my copy of the confirmation email. 他们为我做得太多了。 They couldn’t do enough for me. 一等舱候机室 the first class lounge n.自助餐 buffet 消费者服务栏目 consumer help section 额外付费 He said that I would have to pay an excess charge of $45. pay an excess charge Terrorists created chaos in the crowd during the demonstation.恐怖分子在趁游行的时候在人群中制造混乱。 cause chaos 引起混乱 chaos:无秩序、混乱 single ticket 单程票 return ticket 往返票,回程票 I bet they will begin the special promotion tomorrow.我确信他们明天会开始举办特别促销会 I bet…= I think… 常用于口语 I rcommend that you contact the airling again, explain your circumstances, and ask for a refund. On this occasion, they are happy to give him a refund. Would you please refund my money? ask sb. for a refund 要求退款 确认信,确认函 confirmation email 航空公司代表 airline representative The airline tries to protect its customers from credit card fraud. adj. 机上的,在飞行中的 The editor of the in-flight magazine


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