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Audi was born in German and has four rings logo, representing the four companies before the merger. It consists of a bicycle, motorcycle and small passenger car manufacturers. Since the company was originally formed by the merger of four companies, so each ring is a symbol of the company. 奥迪轿车产于德国,它的标志为四个圆环,代表着合并前的四家公司。这些公司曾经是自行车、摩托车及小客车的生产厂家。由于该公司原是由4家公司合并而成,因此每一环都是其中一个公司的象征。? slogan– The best or nothing.(惟有最好) It was born in German in 1900.Benz logo consists of three-pointed star, a symbol of land, water and air mechanization. 奔驰于1900年诞生于德国,三叉星做其标志,象征着陆上、水上和空中的机械化。 Brand logo composed by the V and W, Volks means citizens, Wagen means the car, the full name means the national car.品牌标志由V和W组成,Volks德文意思为国民,Wagen德文意思为汽车,全称意思为国民的汽车。 It was born in German in 1937. Logo just like the three with the middle finger and index finger to make a V, which means that the company and its products win ,win , win.标志象是由三个用中指和食指作出的“V”组成,表示大众公司及其产品必胜-必胜-必胜。 Slogan– Sheer driving pleasure. (纯粹的驾驶乐趣) It was born in German in 1916.Middle of the blue and white was symbolizing the blue sky, white clouds and rotating propeller stop, hinting a long history of BMW origin, and a symbol of the company in the past in aero-engine technology leadership. 宝马标志中间的蓝白相间图案,代表蓝天,白云和旋转不停的螺旋浆,喻示宝马公司渊源悠久的历史,象征该公司过去在航空发动机技术方面的领先地位. It was born in China in 1958. And it symbolizes the FAW Group calligraphed a metal logo. Red Flag for Chinese has a very important position, and a red flag in front logo symbolizes the Mao Zedong Thought.红旗汽车的车标象征一汽集团的美术字1的金属标识,红旗对中国人来说有着非常重要的地位,而且前车标的一面红旗则象征着毛泽东思想. * * Famous cars AUDI b) BENZ c) Volkswagen d) BMW e) Red Flag Bayerische Motoren Werke AG *


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