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1 a new day has come 中英文歌词对照: I was waiting for so long 漫长的等待 for miracle to come 期待奇迹的降临 everyone told me to be strong 大家都告诉我要坚强 hold on and dont shed a tear 坚定意志 不要落泪 throught the darkness and good times 走过漫漫长夜 忆起美好时光 i knew id make it through 我知道我可以克服它 and the world thought id had it all 世人都认为我已经拥有了一切 but i was waiting for you 但是我却在等着你 hush now,i see a light in the sky 嘘...看 一道光芒划过天际 oh,its almost blinding me 天哪 它几乎让我目眩 i cant believe i have been touched by an angel with love 真让人难以相信,爱的天使竟然触碰了我的心灵 let rain come down and wash away my tears 雨啊 尽情的下吧 洗去我的泪水 let it fill my soul and drown my fears 雨啊 尽情的下吧 浸没我的心灵,淹没我的恐惧 let it shatter the walls for a new sun 雨啊 尽情的下吧 粉碎我禁锢的心墙 迎来新的曙光 a new day has come 因为真爱即将来临 where it was dark ,now there is light 点亮光明,黑暗不复存在 where there was pain,nowe there is joy 满心喜悦,痛苦烟消云散 where there was weakness,i found my strengh 寻回坚强,懦弱一挥而去 all in the eyes of a boy 而这一切,就在男孩的眼里,闪耀着光芒.... hush now,i see a light in your eyes 嘘,瞧,一道光彩在你眼中闪现 all in the eyes of a boy 而这一切,就在这个男孩的眼里,闪耀着光芒.... i cant believe i have been touched by an angel with love 真让人难以相信,爱的天使竟然触碰了我的心灵 let rain come down and wash away my tears 雨啊 尽情的下吧 洗去我的泪水 let it fill my soul and drown my fears 雨啊 尽情的下吧 浸没我的心灵,淹没我的恐惧 let it shatter the walls for a new sun 雨啊 尽情的下吧 粉碎我禁锢的心墙 迎来新的曙光 a new day has come 因为真爱即将来临 2 Because I Love You - Shakin’Steven If I got down on my knees Im being with you If I cross a million oceans just to be with you. Would you ever let me down. If I climb the highest mountain just to hold you tight. If I said that I would love you every single night. Would you ever let me down. Well Im sorry if it sounds kind of sad, just that worry Im so worry that you let me down. Because I love you, love you, love you so dont let me down. If I swam the longest river just to call your name. If I said the way I feel for you would never change. Would you ever fool around. Well Im sorry if it sounds kind of sad, just that worry Im so worry that you let me down. Because I love


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