中西方文化的比较Comparison between Confucius and Socrates.pptx

中西方文化的比较Comparison between Confucius and Socrates.pptx

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中西方文化的比较Comparison between Confucius and Socrates

Similarity Difference ;Teachers of the men 人类的导师;The similarities;They stress that everyone is equal before education.(有教无类) ;2 heuristic education(启发式教育);ask questions initiative study(主动性的学习) thinking ;Similarity;· Attach great importance to the peoples moral quality cultivation ; Advocate cultivating talents on the rule of having both ability and political integrity ---The possibility and necessity of the people to accept education ---Education play an important role in the development of people ---Any leader must have a wide range of knowledge. ;Aim,style,content Philosophy Impact Death ; ;Ethic Confucius advocated benevolence(仁),he emphasized self-cultivation(个人修养). What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others. 己所不欲,勿施于人。 Socrates advocated “knowledge is virtue while ignorance is evil”.(知识即美德) He focus on self-development , personal virtue . The combination of wisdom and virtue. ;Education Confucius emphasized on individualized and heuristic teaching, get the knowledge across to others. Teach students according to their aptitude. 因材施教 Socrates :midwifery teaching method(产婆术). Pay attention to guide students.;Politics Confucius : the best government is one that rules through “rites”(礼)people’s natural morality; Autocratic monarchy(君主集权制) Concept of class (阶级观念) Socrates believed that the philosopher is the only type of person suitable to govern others,according to the law. He openly objected to the democracy.;Confucius : Individual obedience to the whole. (个体服从整体) Socrates : Respect for individual , emphasize the freedom of humanity. (尊重生命个体,追求人性自由);Confucius founded the Confucianism the Four Books 《大学》《中庸》《论语》《孟子》 the Five Classics 《诗经》《书经》《易》《礼记》《春秋》 3. Confucius Institute and Confucius Classroom ;Socrates 1.He was a great philosopher , opened a new direction of ancient Greek philosophy and made the philosophy became a



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