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25 1 V ol . 25 N o . 1 2005 1 T r ansactions of Beijing Instit ute o f T echnolog y J an . 2005 : 1001-0645 2005) 01-0058-05 1 2, 3 1 1 1 宋丽哲,  牛振东 ,  宋瀚涛,  余正涛,  师雪霖 1. , 1000 81; 2. , 1000 81; 3. , 1000 83) : , , , . , , , ; ; , . : ; ; ; ; : T P 39 1; G 250 . 76: A Study on the User Profile of Personalized Service in Digital Library - 1 , - 2, 3 , - 1 , - 1, - 1 SON G L i zhe N IU Zhen dong SON G Han t ao Y U Zheng t ao SHI Xue lin 1. Department o f Computer Science and Eng ineering , Schoo l of Infor mation Science and T echnolog y, Beijing Inst itute o f T echno lo gy , Beijing 1000 81, China; 2. Schoo l o f Computer So ftw are , Beijing Institute o f T echno log y, Beij ing 1000 81, China; 3 . Beijing N atio nal L ibr ary Dig ita l T echnolo gy Co rp L td , Beijing 1000 83, China) Abstract: St ruct ure and mechanism of user pr ofile in digit al library per sonalized serv ice is pr esent ed . Key pro blems abo ut t he const ruction of u ser prof ile ar e int roduced in details . T hese pr obl em s include t he repr esent atio n, creat ion and updat ing of u ser prof ile. T he user prof ile is represent ed by a vect or space mo del V SM ) based onto logy . Simple domain onto logy of digit al libr ar y is buil t up first , and t hen t he u ser s int erest s repr esent ed by V SM , in w hich t he item of vect or is ont olog y o r concept abo ut use


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