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第 21 卷第 15 期 系 统 仿 真 学 报© Vol. 21 No. 15 2009 年 8 月 Journal of System Simulation Aug., 2009 声速分布深海超短基线定位算法 1 1 2 1 赵安邦 ,何文翔 ,董海防 ,惠俊英 (1.哈尔滨工程大学 水声技术国防科技重点实验室,哈尔滨 150001 ; 2. 中国船舶重工集团公司七一九研究所,武汉 430064) 摘 要:超短基线定位系统因其基线基阵尺寸小,易于安装而常被用于海洋科学领域,而改进深海 条件下,长程超短基线的定位算法以求得到更高的定位精度势在必行。以超短基线定位原理及传 统的超短基线定位算法为引子,提出了一种简便的可用于任意声速分布的定位新算法,并通过计 算机仿真比较验证了该算法的有效性。 关键词: 超短基线;新算法;定位精度;水声定位 中图分类号 TB565.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004-731X (2009) 15-4763-05 Positioning Algorithm of Deepwater USBL for Random Distributed Velocity of Sound 1 1 2 1 ZHAO An-bang , HE Wen-xiang , DONG Hai-fang , HUI Jun-ying (1. College of Underwater Acoustic Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001, China; 2. The 719th Research Institute of China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, Wuhan 430064, China) Abstract: Ultra-short baseline system (USBL) is spread used in Ocean scientific field because of its small aperture size and easily being installed. It was aimed to improve positioning algorithm of long range USBL under the deepwater condition for the sake of higher positioning precision. After discussing the theory of positioning of USBL and conventional algorithm, a simple and convenient new positioning algorithm which could be used for random distributed velocity of sound was proposed. The simulation results prove its correctness. Key words: USBL; new algorithm; positioning precisi


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