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自动滚压螺纹机构设计 摘 要 滚压螺纹是通过活动主轴上的滚丝轮向着坯件和固定轴上的滚丝轮的方向前进,两个滚丝轮在形成坯件上的螺纹压入的程度相同,因此活动滚丝轮移动一个大致和螺纹齿根高相等的距离,结过使滚丝轮上的螺纹压入坯件而形成螺纹。两个滚丝轮都以同样的圆周速度向统一的方向转动,从而带动坯件无滑动转动,滚压成型工有生产效率高、节约材料、增加产品强度等优点 The design of Automatic rolling thread agencies Abstract Rolling thread is rolling through the activities of wire wheel spindle towards die-casting and fixed axis of the roll silk round direction, Two roll silk wheel in forming die-casting pressed into the thread in the same degree of rolling wire wheel, so activity moves a roughly and threaded dedendum high equal distance, Make roll silk thread the wheel ware pressed into the formed threads. Two roll silk wheel in the same circumference speed to the unified direction, thus promote the ware no sliding rotation,Roll forming process has high production efficiency, saving material, to increase product intensity etc. Rolling thread to realize products processing high quality and high strength has an important meaning, and high production efficiency productivity than cutting nearly ten times; The size of the thread rolling scattered small, can rolling precision thread; Rolling thread high surface quality, because in the thread rolling process, die-casting and workpiece relatively developed between sliding, parts are processing thread line with tools contact many times the differences in the parts, the sliding friction role plays a rolling flat surface. Therefore, threaded obtain relatively low surface roughness; Rolling thread with high mechanical strength, rolling thread because of the metal surface processing sclerosis, make thread parts tensile strength limit than cutting threaded increased 10% ~ 20%; Rolling thread, tooth type of tooth profile rim has higher microhardness. In order to correct form thread, when in rolling rolling wire wheel with the ware between are not allowed to have relatively. Die-casting JiDuan department, it on a support can be only on platens. Improve the wearability, can be in support of its w


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